Time for a Break: How to Plan Your Vacation after the Pandemic

17 July, 2020

When the COVID-19 global pandemic hit, one of the most crucial learning points for everyone was the importance of planning. Some of you might have even experienced having your travel plans canceled or rescheduled until further notice. This, however, isn’t a setback but rather a surprising opportunity towards planning a trip one year in advance. 

Since most travels have been canceled or put on hold this year, this gives you plenty of time to plan your next travel. Below are tips on how to plan a vacation trip, a much-deserved break to heal from a stressful year.

Also, travel is a good coping mechanism not just to keep you motivated towards better days but also as a reminder to be intentional about the importance of family vacation, trip planning, and healthy changes of environment every now and then. 

Photo courtesy of Suganth via Unsplash

1. But first, why should you travel at all?

It is easy to plan without a focused goal and one of the insights you can glean over in this New Normal is that an objective is what makes a plan worth laying out. Deciding if you wish to travel outside the country or explore the country is answerable by stating the purpose of travel. 

Taking a break, even from the work from home setup, is necessary for the whole family. One of the many benefits of traveling the learning experience brought about by a change of environment.

In addition, travel reminds us of the human experience of culture, nature, and rest. Once you’ve cleared the common target, then it becomes meaningful to bring out your travel itinerary planner and decide where to go.

Photo courtesy of Skyler Smith via Unsplash

2. Now, where do you go from here?

From Nowhere to Now Here, choosing the destination matters for the trip planner. The budget always comes to mind when destination choices are being made. 

There is less stress in a well-planned itinerary. How to plan an international trip after the pandemic might mean planning a trip two years in advance to leave room for changes in policies. As for domestic travel planning, it might seem more feasible for a year-ahead itinerary. 

Photo courtesy of Anete Lusina via Unsplash

3. For how long should your trip be?

Being quarantined for months might motivate you to take on a vacation plan that would take at least three days to ensure there is enough rest to go with all the fun. Some might find traveling to and from places tiring so booking a trip for at least three days assures that everyone can get a few moments of relaxation. 

As the new normal awaits, it is still best to schedule short trips during long-weekends, so as to give leeway to those who are working, whether from home or in their respective offices.

Photo couresty of Tron Le via Unsplash

4. Which stops should you take before reaching the destination? 

Vacation planning entails research. This entails thinking about possible stopovers which make trips more exciting. Having stopovers also allows you to learn more about the entire journey, as much as you wish to enjoy the destination. 

What are the possible activities you can do (alone or together) when you reach your destination? What are the famous pit-stops along the way? What are the famed or underrated hole-in-the-wall food destinations that you can include in your itinerary? What are the stops on this vacation trip where milestones can be made? 

These are just some questions you can keep in mind while planning your dream vacation. It is also a thoughtful act to account for first-time travelers who might accompany you on your trip. A guide for new travelers to Boracay is a good example as it not just prepares you for what lies ahead but for the many activities, you can do to maximize the trip.

Photo courtesy of Toa Heftiba via Unsplash

5. What can you do in the meantime?

Trip planning is easier when there is a time frame. Plan not just the cost, the destination, the stops, and the company but also actively wait. Look out for seat sales or airfare promotions that can help you work your budget better if you’re planning on traveling by air. 

If you wish to go on a road trip, revving up your chosen vehicle or looking for rates for rentals can already be done ahead of time. Reading travel tips, such as a three-day trip to Boracay, or watching travel vlogs can also help you get a glance at where you are headed. 

If you’re being joined by someone who is traveling for the first time, it is also important to help them manage expectations and also to know what they should be prepared for ahead of time. Once all of those are ready, the most proactive form of waiting for the plan to be fulfilled is to save up for the cost as early as now.

Photo courtesy of Wabi Jayme via Unsplash

6. Who do you call when you’re ready?

Once you’ve spent ample time checking out competitive rates for your dream destination, the next step is to book your vehicle or transportation and of course, your accommodation.

It might seem intimidating to go to a destination that requires several changes of modes of transportation but proper planning can take away those anxieties. After all, the point of the trip goes back to the goal of being able to get away, have fun, and also experience rest.

Photo courtesy of Maxim Ilyahov via Unsplash

7. What then?

Finally, the ultimate vacation itinerary worth the whole-year wait can come true by going back to the first step of remembering why the trip was planned to begin with. 

If there will be surprise twists in your adventure, it will be worth embarking nonetheless because of the objective set forth at the start. One can only plan so much but always remember that one cannot schedule joyous moments, heartwarming memories, and meaningful surprises in life. 

A trip is memorable and worth it because you’ve learned from it, grown from it, and shared it with those who matter to you.