8 Great Traveling Alone Tips and Tricks

21 September, 2020

Travel has been almost impossible this 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Though lots of pandemic travel guides were released throughout the year to keep travelers safe, there’s still fear surrounding the idea of it, especially with other people around.

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Once the pandemic ends and everything becomes safe again, traveling alone might become the new trend. Those who want to go sightseeing again won’t want to risk getting sick because of other people. The world will probably see a boom in solo travel once the COVID-19 pandemic ends.

There are actually lots of benefits to independent trips and solo backpacking. Traveling alone boosts your independence, confidence, and mood. You do what you want when you want to. You meet new people and make new friends along the way, too. 

As someone backpacking alone, you have more time to meditate and focus on your own growth and happiness. Independent travel is a great way to relax after the stress of 2020. 

Conquer your travel fears and try traveling alone! Here’s your definitive list of helpful tips for traveling solo after the COVID-19 pandemic:

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1. Know your budget

One of the top tips for traveling alone is to know your budget. A lower budget is one of the main reasons why people like going on vacation alone in the first place. People get to control how much they spend on their trip, without worrying about how much they have to spend for others. 

You get to be independent with your expenses when you go around alone. What’s your budget? What do you need to spend on your trip? Take into consideration ticket prices, accommodations, food expenses, and budget for other activities. 

Don’t forget to allot money for emergencies, too. You get full control over your budget when you explore alone on your vacation.

2. Choose your itinerary

Another great thing about traveling alone is that you get to choose your own adventure. You decide the activities you put on your itinerary, and you don’t have to worry about what other people want. It’s great practice for your independence and organization skills.

 A good solo traveling tip to remember is to try out things you wouldn’t do when going out with other people. What have you always wanted to try, that you couldn’t do on trips with others? Take this vacation as an opportunity to check things off your bucket list. 

3. Get travel insurance

As adventurous as you want to be on your vacation, you should also take solo travel safety seriously. It can be risky to explore places on your own, especially if you’re a solo female traveling through different tourist spots. You could get into accidents or get sick, and not be able to pay for additional medical expenses.

Prepare for worst-case scenarios by getting travel insurance. You might think it’s unnecessary, but insurance is important for people moving around alone. It’s especially important in a world with COVID-19 and other contagious outbreaks.

Take the right safety and health precautions by getting insured for your trip. Basic insurance will cover medical expenses, and extensive packages will cover problems like lost baggage, trip cancellations, and other damages. Ensure your safety and security while enjoying the best vacation ever.

4. List down emergency contacts

You can never be too prepared for a vacation on your own. A very helpful tip for traveling alone is to create a list of contacts you can get in touch with in case of an emergency. These should be people who will immediately respond to your calls. Keep a list of reliable contacts on hand in case you need help while you’re alone.

Make sure their numbers are accessible to other people, too. If you get into an accident and can’t use your phone, an emergency responder should be able to access your emergency contacts. A crucial travel safety tip is to have your list of contacts in safe and accessible places, like your phone, in case something happens to you on your trip.

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5. Pack light, pack smart

You’ll be traveling solo, so you’ll be the one carrying your own things the whole time. Unless you’re okay with lugging heavy bags around on your own, it’s probably best to pack light.

Pack your bags based on your activities. Only bring the clothes and toiletries you’ll need for your plans, and remember to hide your valuables in the secure parts of your suitcase. Don’t bring heavy gadgets or books if you don’t need them.

Remember to pack smart, too. Bring things that will help you avoid sickness while traveling. Pack alcohol, masks, and soap if you can. You won’t enjoy your trip at all if you end up catching a virus at your destination.

6. Get oriented

Familiarize yourself with the place you’re staying at before you even get there. This will help you prepare for things in advance. Check if your accommodations are near any convenience stores, drug stores or gas stations, and find out how to get to them, too.

Get to know the local language of your destination as well, especially if you’re visiting a foreign country. Memorize helpful words and terms like “hello,” “thank you,” and most importantly, “where’s the bathroom?” Knowing the local language is one solo traveling tip you should always keep in mind.

Lastly, to get fully oriented with your destination, check out the exchange rates of the country’s currency. You’ll need to keep track of what you’re spending on your own, so orient yourself with your destination’s exchange rate with your own local currency. Take note of this solo traveler’s guide and enjoy independence on your trip. 

7. Security is a must

One worry that people have when going out alone is that they won’t be secure because they’re not with a group. Rest assured that as long as you take the right security precautions, your plans to travel solo will go smoothly.

Aside from planning in advance, getting insurance, and having emergency contacts on hand, remember to put your valuables in secure places at all times. Never leave your phone, wallet, or passport out for people to take. Know where they are at all times and keep them close. 

A great traveling alone tip is to invest in anti-theft bags. Anti-theft bags prevent anyone from breaking into your things and stealing your valuables. There are lots of options out there for bag locks and bag security that’ll ensure your wallet, passport, and gadgets are always safe.

8. Travel alone, not lonely

The most important traveling solo tip to remember is to not let yourself feel lonely on your trip. Just because you’re on vacation alone doesn’t mean that you should avoid interaction entirely. You can travel alone, but don’t travel lonely. 

Smile at the strangers on your trip. If you can, start conversations and make friends with people you meet along the way. It’s important to stay safe, of course. But don’t let that stop you from making relationships that last either.

Make friends, start conversations, take pictures, and make memories that’ll last a lifetime. Those are the most important travel alone tips that you need to remember when you go on your amazing vacation.

Photo courtesy of Te Iensfix via Pexels

The fear around being alone is a travel myth that needs to be dispelled. It’s exciting and fulfilling to go out and discover the world on your own. Y

2020 has been a tiring year for everyone. So it’s nice to have something to look forward to after the COVID-19 pandemic. Make plans for your own adventure and rediscover the world around you once everything goes back to normal.