7 New Travel Trends You Should Expect in 2021

3 December, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a challenge to everyone. Never did we imagine that such an infectious disease would surface and restrict us from getting close to other people. This disease has made huge impacts on our economy, as businesses shut down or transitioned to work-from-home set-ups. This includes the losses in the travel economy, as the borders of countries were temporarily closed for fear of spreading the virus further.

However, even as we’ve normalized the practice of protocols that protect us from the virus, this pandemic can’t be considered over without a vaccine at hand. Thankfully, countries, like the United Kingdom and China, are reportedly close to producing one. Meanwhile, the effects of the pandemic remain as a cause for concern for the travel industry in the next year.

Among its many effects is the changes from the 2020 travel trends. Various travel businesses are coming up with creative strategies to keep the business going despite the challenges.

If you’re planning to travel next year, you will need to know new travel trends to help you prepare. Below is a list of travel trends you can’t miss this 2021:

  1. Rampant virtual and online tours.
  2. Local travel destinations first.
  3. More travel exclusivity.
  4. Heavy focus on ecotourism.
  5. Solo travel is much preferred.
  6. Changes in priority when it comes to tourist destinations.
  7. Indoor staycations are the best bet.

1. Rampant virtual and online tours.

Photo courtesy of pixexid via Pixabay

According to Google Keyword Planner data, searches for the keyword “virtual tour” increased 7x to almost 10,000 in March 2020, when governments in different parts of the world announced a lockdown. Consequently, flights were grounded; and no one was going anywhere but inside their house.

While traveling is still restricted because of the COVID-19 pandemic, technology continues to satisfy our travel lust--to a certain extent. This includes touring virtually wherein people are able to see the world’s most famous attractions in all their digital glory without breaking the bank or leaving home. No need to go out just to bask in beautiful foreign sceneries.

2. Local travel destinations first.

Photo courtesy of Alta Vista de Boracay

Nowadays, travel plans for 2021 are still in limbo. We still don’t know if by then, the government will have allowed international travel or not.

If you really miss traveling, you could consider domestic traveling, for the time being. This will also help ease your worries since you would still be in the country and can easily go home, in the event of an emergency. This is also good for the local economy, as it tries to bounce back from the losses brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

This early, do your research about the places you might want to visit in the Philippines. Make sure that the accommodation you book is strictly following health-and-safety protocols, to avoid hassles during your long-awaited trip. Remember that safety is the priority; invest in a hotel that prioritizes the well-being of their guests.

3. More travel exclusivity.

Before the pandemic, going to a good travel destination meant going somewhere packed with people, where you can freely socialize and meet other people. In 2021, this will likely change, as families are keener to book exclusive villas or travel destinations where they can practice social distancing. In the meantime, bars and other venues for social gatherings might not be on-trend. It’s also important to find a hotel with safety protocols, to help prevent the further spread of COVID-19.

4. Heavy focus on ecotourism.

Photo courtesy of tttboram via Pixabay

Another travel trend that might transpire in 2021 is prioritizing ecological travel sites. These include mountains, beaches, and other places where tourists can have a breath of fresh air and be closer to nature.

People were locked down in their houses for months, and they will surely look for a change of environment that is pleasing to the eye. Serene destinations that offer a quiet vibe and eco-friendly environment might become popular to visitors. Just make sure to practice responsible traveling, too, such as observing the leave-without-a-trace principle. Through this, not only will you help prevent the further spread of the virus, but you will also help preserve the beauty of the environment at your chosen travel destination.

5. Solo travel is much preferred.

Because of the pandemic, the government and various health organizations prescribed social distancing to help prevent the spreading of the coronavirus. Since it is still uncertain if a vaccine will become available by 2021, it would be safer to remain adamant about going out in public unnecessarily.

If you’re planning to travel in 2021, you might want to consider solo traveling or traveling in smaller groups as a precaution. Tick off your dream of solo traveling from your Bucket List that you have always wanted to try, for a sense of independence and adventure.

6. Changes in priority when it comes to tourist destinations.

The travel trends that used to be so popular in the past years have changed, in the course of the pandemic. Nowadays, the priority is not so much to just photograph Instagram-worthy travel spots but to ensure that safety protocols are likewise observed in those destinations.

For this reason, it has become on-trend for today’s travelers to seek out places with fewer crowds. Popular amusement parks and bars might no longer be a crowd favorite in 2021.

So while your travel plans for 2021 may have to remain fluid, keep your health and safety in mind as the top priority, wherever the travel bug takes you next.

7. Indoor staycations are the best bet.

Photo courtesy of Alta Vista de Boracay

While staycations have become popular in the previous years, they could grow even bigger in the next few years. What’s good about having a staycation is getting well-rested while on vacation.

Staycations allow you a change of environment without having to take too much risk of getting exposed to other travelers. Order take-out or food in one of the restaurants in the hotel, and you will still have a great time with friends or family.

Just make sure to choose clean and safe hotels while traveling. When you book a room at Alta Vista de Boracay, you not only get stunning views and excellent service, but the hotel is strictly following government and health guidelines— plus a few of their own health and safety initiatives.

While pandemic travel trends are vastly different from the pre-pandemic trends we used to know, these should not keep us from enjoying ourselves. Be creative in planning, but decide to always make health and safety your top priority wherever you go.

Enjoy the rest of 2021, and look forward to a better new year ahead!