7 Budget-Friendly Virtual Experiences To Try At Home

17 August, 2020

Should you be somewhere else and certainly NOT inside your homes? If you’re one of the many who had to cancel their travel plans this 2020, you are not alone and it seems like you’d have to still hold your horses before booking your flight as the government reimposes the ban on leisure travel abroad. Nonetheless, you can still turn that frown upside down by trying out virtual experiences in the comforts of your home.

Virtual experiences are “in” nowadays as it is one of the safest ways to go “out” on an adventure while staying indoors, away from COVID-19. Usually, a gadget—smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop—as well as Internet connectivity are all that you need to travel around the world and “meet” people s while sitting on your couch.

Want some ideas? Here’s a list of virtual experiences to try at home that will surely help you survive quarantine at home and still adhere to the safety guide during this pandemic.

1. Netflix viewing party with friends and family

Photo courtesy of cottonbro via Pexels

Netflix and chill at home just got better because of the app Netflix Party. You can chat with your friends while watching the same movie without having them come over at your place and thus risking your and their lives by acquiring the virus.

You can choose famous travel films to watch and make you feel like you’re out and about exploring. This virtual experience to try at home is especially helpful to those who are living alone; this way, you won’t feel lonely.

2. Museum virtual tours 

Photo courtesy of Una Laurencic via Pexels

Of course, we want to go on trips not only to be with friends but to see things and learn something new. If you’re into art and history, then museums are probably always on your list when you travel.

To visit museums and art galleries around the world that houses famous works of art would mean shelling out money for airfare tickets and admission to the museum itself. Luckily, these museums opened their digital doors so you can check out virtual museum tours at home. Just imagine, you don’t have to fight your way to view the Mona Lisa because, in your virtual tour, it would seem like you have the whole museum to yourself.

3. Virtual trip at the zoo

Photo courtesy of Julia M Cameron via Pexels

If you’re living with kids, or if you are a kid at heart, then certainly, you would love to see animals and their funny antics in the wild or at the zoo. 

Doing virtual zoo tours is a good way for parents to teach children about animals and their living conditions in a way that is safe for all, instead of just reading all the information from the pages of a book. 

Because most of the virtual trips at the zoos offer live camera recordings and pre-recorded videos of animals. You can observe their habits and daily routines,  and you may be surprised at how interesting their activities are. 

You can watch via Facebook Live Feed the animals in Cincinnati Zoo. If you love to see Beluga whales and African penguins, then view the live cam of Georgia Aquarium

Curious about platypi, pandas, and polar bears? View the live cam and pre-recorded videos of animals in San Diego Zoo. Note that some of these zoos would ask for donations, so if you have some money to spare, why not donate the help to the zoos’ upkeep?

4. Virtual hiking trip

Photo courtesy of Markus Spiske via Pexels

If you’re a certified adventure junkie now stuck inside the four walls of your home, here’s a virtual experience to try: virtual hiking. So get going, wear those hiking shoes (just for the vibe), turn on the TV, and strap on your fitness tracker and select the terrain you prefer in this 4K virtual hike playlist on Youtube.

If you have a treadmill at home, then hopping and walking on it will give you the hiking experience you’ve been yearning for since March. The best thing is you can go to different places with just a click of the button, and yeah, no need to spend anything on this hiking trip!

5. National parks virtual tour 

Photo courtesy of Pixabay via Pexels

If you prefer strolling and leisurely walks to calm your nerves, then the safest and most enjoyable virtual experience to try at home is to go on a virtual tour of different relaxing national parks around the world. This home travel activity will enable you to take a peek on the outside world.

True, not all your senses will benefit greatly from virtual experiences such as these, but nonetheless, why not try to prop up soothing music or forest music while going on your virtual nature walk? Certainly, you’d find it quite relaxing to commune with nature in the  “new normal.”

6. Virtual beach trips via Youtube

Photo courtesy of Jessica Lewis via Pexels

Summer passed us by without being able to hit the beach. Sad, right? Nonetheless, are you so stoked to swim in your favorite beaches such as Boracay and other local and foreign beaches? But right now, the best way to satisfy your vitamin-sea needs is to play virtual beach tour videos and sounds of beach waves on YouTube. 

Better yet, why not revisit your gallery and view your photos and videos of last year’s summer adventures and relive those wonderful moments with family and friends? Once this pandemic’s over, you can rebook your postponed trip to Boracay and have a relaxing vacation on the island.

7. Video conferencing dates with family and friends

Photo courtesy of cottonbro via Pexels

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, the most convenient way of communicating with friends near and far is by video conferencing. This way, we don't just get to hear their voices, we get to see their faces in real-time as well. 

So instead of visiting friends over their houses, why not host video conferencing dates with them? Don’t forget to include friends and family abroad—it’s going to be an instant reunion.

Be creative with your virtual dates. Why not plan a theme every time you’re hosting one? Aside from the usual movie sessions, why not host cooking lessons, even house tours? This is a great and safe way to keep in touch and check in on them.

Virtual experiences are designed to help us cope with the “new normal” while maintaining our safety and sanity and that of others. Because we are confined inside our homes and battling an invisible foe, it is normal to feel anxious. May this virtual experience list help you explore and enjoy the outdoors while staying safe and healthy indoors.