Travel Trends You Can't Miss Out on This 2020

9 July, 2024

Traveling has been one of the most sought-after activities today, and millennials are known to be the generation that travels a lot according to tourism and travel statistics this 2019.

As traveling is a great form of stress reliever, it allows one to be able to explore different countries and learn about their cultures and history. It allows for self-discovery and helps one develop empathy and social awareness. This is especially true when the person travels to a country or to a place where their environment is not as great as that of their own hometown.

There are a lot of benefits to traveling. So if you haven’t mustered the courage to go out and venture into the world, now is the perfect time! Check out these travel trends you definitely must try this coming 2020.

1. Insta-Tourism 

Photo courtesy of via Pexels

Ever heard of the phrase “pic or didn’t happen”? Well, Instagram helped strengthen that phrase, referring to someone who travels. 

It’s no secret that Instagram has played a huge part in growing the tourism industry. This app is one of the most influential photo-sharing social media platforms this decade has ever seen. Nowadays, most of the travelers base their travel destination choice on what they see on Instagram

With geotagging and hashtags, the platform has been a useful tool in promoting photos and even travel destinations. The more beautiful the photo, the more enticing it is to visit that certain place/country. Say you see a great Instagram shot of a couple in Boracay, wouldn’t you be enticed to follow suit? 

2. Local Experience

Photo courtesy of Your Photo Trip via Pexels

Another great travel trend to look out for this 2020 is Local Experience. Who says you need to stay in fancy hotels, for you to be considered a traveler? If you’re tired of experiencing “hotel life”, then this travel trend is for you. 

The local experience is a travel trend that allows you to experience what life is like in the area you are traveling to, minus the luxury of a hotel. This is where couch surfing or looking for host families would fall under. Filipinos who would like to experience a more holistic and empathetic way of traveling can opt for this type of travel experience. This will allow them to learn more about the local scene of their destination and experience its culture and cuisine.

3. Environmental Travel

Photo courtesy of Tom Fisk via Pexels

Now, this type of travel could mean very different things to different travelers. You can opt for eco-friendly travel which involves sustainable activities that don’t harm the environment. Or, you can go to different places that preserve their nature, or you could do volunteer travel. Either way, any one of these will allow you to get in direct contact with nature or the environment. 

This travel trend definitely screams “Philippines” with its gamut of beaches, forests, and nature destinations. Filipinos can opt to visit the different islands of the Philippines and see how nature is preserved there.

One place you can consider is booking a stay in Boracay. The island has just been rehabilitated and continuous eco-efforts are rampant. It’s definitely worth a visit if you ask me—great beach, wonderful people, and even a chance to volunteer!

4. Food and Travel

Photo courtesy of Peter Agripo via Pexels

This travel trend has been going on for some time, and it’s still quite popular going into 2020. This travel trend could mean visiting the place where your favorite dish originated from, going to a food crawl, or learning how to cook a certain dish. 

Food has become a huge part of traveling, which is how this travel trend has come about. Perfect for foodies, this travel trend will let you experience authenticity, especially if you love certain types of dishes. This travel trend is perfect for local or overseas trips and is budget-friendly. It will all depend on what food you would like to taste. 

5. Art + Travel

Photo courtesy of Rohit Potdar via Pexels

There are so many art galleries, museums, and artistic scenes around the globe. If you are a budding creative, then this travel trend will definitely get your creative juices flowing. Art mixed with travel offers a lot of different activities. It could mean participating in art classes, going on a museum tour, art gallery hopping, joining photo walks, to name a few. This travel trend is perfect for those looking for inspiration and for those who want to build their art portfolio.

6. Micro Trips

Photo courtesy of Elijah O'Donnell via Pexels

Out-of-town or road trips fall under this travel trend. Who says you have to go out of the country to be deemed a traveler? The micro trips travel trend came about when one only has 2-4 days available to travel. 

Filipinos can use this travel trend for their weekend getaways when they only have the weekend to go to different places. You can plan your itinerary ahead of time, in terms of which places you want to visit and plan your excursion activities around. Micro trips allow you to experience a small part of the area’s culture in a short amount of time.

7. Bleisure/Bizcation

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This travel trend is very common in mixing business with pleasure. According to recent leisure and corporate travel survey, 87% of business travelers are most likely to mix personal travels during their scheduled business trips. When you go out-of-town or overseas for a certain amount of time and after fulfilling your business responsibilities, you can go have your free time to explore the area. 

You can use this travel trend to make the most out of the time you are out doing business. You can explore a certain tourist spot or go to one of the most sought-after food places in the area. You can squeeze in a bit of personal traveling while you’re on a business trip. This way, you can definitely balance work and play.

8. Solo Travel

Photo courtesy of nappy via Pexels

This travel trend has been going on for quite some time, and it looks like it isn’t going anywhere. The solo travel trend is becoming more popular as time goes by. It allows you to meet like-minded individuals during your journey.

Solo traveling allows you to get a feeling of freedom and independence. It also allows you to be more self-aware. One benefit of solo traveling is that you wait on no one. You manage your own itinerary and schedule. This type of travel trend is perfect for those who really want to get a taste of what traveling is like and those who want to be flexible with their budget.

9. DNA Trips

Photo courtesy of Emma Bauso via Pexels

Are you curious about your ancestry? If you are, then there are ways to find out all about your heritage. With the rise of popular DNA kits such as 23andMe and Ancestry, simply by sending your own spit sample, these companies are able to track down your genealogy. 

Getting your DNA sample checked could give you data on the history of your genes. From there, you can find out more about where your ancestors lived. This is where that travel trend originated from. 

The DNA Trips travel trend stems from your wanting to know where your ancestors were born and have lived. You could use this chance to know more about your family tree and visit where your ancestors have been or have ever step foot on.

10. Second City Travel

Photo courtesy of Yasir Eryilmaz via Unsplash

Another popular travel trend is the Second City Travel which is essentially going to a lesser-known city. An example would be going around Pasig City instead of Manila or Jersey City instead of New York City. 

This travel trend is perfect for travelers on a budget but would like to explore a city and experience its charm and culture. You’ll find a lot of areas in cities that aren’t often toured or are less crowded. So if you want to go somewhere that is less crowded, then taking the second city travel trend is your best choice.

These trends fit different types of individuals and it all varies on their personality and what they’re most comfortable with. So, what do you think about these travel trends for 2020?