19 Traveling Resolutions To Swear By This 2019

15 January, 2019

It is time to fill your travel planner! Welcome 2019 with a list of new places to visit, gastronomic delights to try, and cultures to explore. Aside from the Instagrammable photos, hitting the road is also good for your mental health. Psychologist Dr. Tamara McClintock Greenberg said that taking a break from the daily demands of life is a great stress buster. Traveling can help you recharge and rejuvenate.

For a hassle-free vacation getaway in the coming months, here are 19 travel-related resolutions to swear by.

#1: File your vacation leaves ahead

travelling resolution file your vacation leaves ahead

Photo courtesy of rawpixel.com via Pexels

Start marking the long weekends in your planner. You cannot truly relax in your hotel if you intentionally skipped work without informing your boss. Filing your VLs ahead of time will also help your co-workers plan out their vacation without leaving your office undermanned.

#2: Book your accommodation

travelling resolution book your accomodation

Photo courtesy of Thorsten technoman via Pexels

Going on a backpacking escapade is exhilarating, but it can also be troublesome. There are destinations that restrict campers from pitching tents. Boracay, which underwent rehabilitation, is imposing new rules to keep the island clean and sustainable. Reserve a room in Alta Vista de Boracay before flying for your vacation.

#3: Get travel insurance

travelling resolution get travel insurance

Photo courtesy of Tookapic via Pexels

Whether you are exploring local destinations or going abroad, travel insurance is a must. It will protect you from unexpected expenses during your trip. Travel insurance will cover hospital expenses, medical repatriation, lost or damaged baggage, and other risks of traveling.

#4: Save up for your travel expenses

travelling resolution save up for expense

Photo courtesy of Jessica Lewis via Pexels

Traveling should not be putting you in financial distress. If you do not have a budget for a European tour this year, that is okay. There are hundreds of destination alternatives. No need to take out a bank loan or charge your credit card for a trip for which you are not financially ready.

#5: Take advantage of flight promos

travelling resolution take advantage of flight promos

Photo courtesy of Torsten Dettlaff via Pexels

Airline companies offer special promos on plane tickets once in a while. Keep yourself updated with these cheap flights. You can also book your trip months ahead for amazing discounts. This is especially economical if you are traveling in a group.

#6: Update your vaccines before leaving

travelling resolution update your vaccines

Photo courtesy of whitesession via Pixabay

Traveling can expose you to various health risks. It is important to update your vaccines against flu, tetanus, measles, and other diseases that may be prevalent in your destination. Do a bit of research, or if you are traveling abroad, inquire about required and recommended vaccines from the Immigration Office.

#7: Take a solo vacation

travelling resolution take a solo vacation

Photo courtesy of Archie Binamira via Pexels

For 2019, one of the 2019 travel resolutions that you should consider is to do more solo travels. Hitting the road on your own can boost your confidence and help improve your social skills. Being on your own can also enhance your tolerance for uncertainty.

#8: Plan an eco-adventure

travelling resolution plan an eco-adventure

Photo courtesy of Riccardo Bresciani via Pexels

Studies show that interacting with nature such as trekking and feeding birds can help control symptoms of anxiety and depression. “Nature isn’t a miracle cure for diseases. But by interacting with it, spending time in it, experiencing it and appreciating it we can reap the benefits of feeling happier and healthier as a result,” according to Lucy McRobert.

On your next vacation, pack your outdoor gear and go on an outdoor adventure.

#9: See the Philippines first

travelling resolution see the Philippine first

Photo courtesy of Belle Co via Pexels

Do you know that there are 81 provinces in the Philippines and hundreds of tourist destinations to explore? The country is home to the world's most beautiful islands, beaches, and mountain ranges. There is a world out there to explore but start with discovering your own home.

#10: Pack smart

travelling resolution pack smart

Photo courtesy of Tookapic via Pexels

Going on a vacation is your golden opportunity to strut your new outfits and take gorgeous photos. But this does not mean that you should be taking your entire wardrobe with you. Pack smart. Know the weather in your destination so you could choose the right clothes to bring. If you are going to a beach, you can mix and match outfits for your day and night time activities.

#11: Have a complete first-aid kit

have a complete first aid kit when travelling

Photo courtesy of Hans via Pixabay

Falling ill or having injuries are travel risks. Not all require you to be in a hospital, so you have to be ready with a first-aid kit. Make sure you have medicines for flu, cough and colds, diarrhea, and allergies. You should also have enough antiseptic, gauze, and other items needed to treat minor cuts.

#12: Moderate your selfies

travelling resolution moderate your selfies

Photo courtesy of Min An via Pexels

Travel more for this 2019. It is good for your physical and mental health. But for you to truly have a meaningful vacation, you need to take the time to experience and appreciate your new environment. Observe the locals go about their daily activities and join festivities. Moderate your selfies. You can turn off your gadgets for several hours during your trip.

#13: Try a new cuisine

travelling resolution try new cuisine

Photo courtesy of ELEVATE via Pexels

The best way to understand a culture is through its food. On your next adventures, try food served outside your hotel. Discover the local produce and the delicacies. Excite your taste buds with new flavors. Just remember to observe food safety when dining in a new place.

#14: Spend wisely

travelling resolution spend wisely

Photo courtesy of rawpixel.com via Pexels

Travelers tend to spend beyond their budget, some even incur massive credit card debts. It is time to end this practice by spending wisely. If you are traveling with friends, split the bill among yourselves. Consider renting an accommodation with a furnished kitchenette so you could cook some of your meals.

#15: Research about your destination

travelling resolution research about your destination

Photo courtesy of Buro Millennial via Pexels

The best way to prepare for your adventures is to know about your destinations. Do a research on the local laws to avoid unnecessary problems. Remember that ignorance of the law excuses no one. Be familiar with the local customs and practices.  Check out travel blogs and forums as you plan your itinerary.

#16: Be a responsible traveler

travelling resolution be responsible traveller

Photo courtesy of Pixabay via Pexels

This 2019, be a more conscientious traveler. Boracay was rehabilitated for six months to address serious environmental issues due to years of neglect, overcrowding, and lax regulations. The next time you visit the island, follow rules and regulations. Dispose of your trash properly and use eco-friendly containers and utensils. Bring your own water tumbler instead of buying disposable water bottles.

#17: Be friendly, but be cautious

travelling resolution be friendly but be cautious

Photo courtesy of Lisa Fotios via Pexels

Traveling, especially going solo, is a chance to expand your social network. You can meet new people on tours and during outdoor activities. However, always be mindful of your own safety. If you are a female traveling alone, avoid drinking too much alcohol in the company of strangers. Give your flight details and hotel address to your family and closest friends. Always check in with them to let them know where you are.

#18: Protect your valuables better

travelling resolution protect your valuables

Photo courtesy of picjumbo.com via Pexels

Protect yourself from a travel nightmare: losing your valuables. Do not take more than what you need. You can leave your jewelry and expensive electronic gadgets at home or in a safety deposit box in your hotel. Avoid flashing your valuables in public; do not be an easy target. Check out anti-theft travel bags with slash-proof fabric, hidden storage, and RFID lining to protect your credit card information against theft.

#19: Mind the things you leave behind

Mind the things you left behind when you travel

Photo courtesy of Lum3n.com via Pexels

Your travel resolution should include the things you leave behind when you hit the road. You should know that burglars now use social media when choosing their targets. Avoid posting photos of your plane ticket and itinerary online. Change the privacy settings of your accounts to private. Most importantly, activate your home security system before you leave.

This year, see more of the world, explore new places, and meet new people. Plan your trips better by doing research on your destination, booking your plane ticket and accommodation early, and planning your itinerary. The goal here is to relax. Make sure your adventures are stress-free.