Boracay Travel Guide for Anyone Going Solo

29 January, 2021

After all the devastating news brought by 2020, good news came by the end of the year. On December 8, 2020, BBC News reported that Pfizer finally rolled out its COVID-19 vaccine in the UK, which is 95% effective. Other vaccines also continue to pass their trials, and will soon be available to the world by 2021.


Photo courtesy of Pedro Lastra via Unsplash

Do you know what this means? It’s time to unwind and resume your travel plans, especially those who intend to go for solo travel. As early as now, maybe you’re thinking of going to Boracay already! After all, traveling solo or in small groups plus going to local destinations are some of the exciting travel trends for 2021. While opting for local tourist spots will help boost the local economy, solo or small group travels will satisfy your postponed wanderlust for 2020 and help you practice social distancing easily.

But before you gear up for your trip, check out the benefits of solo travel and how you can better prepare for your awesome Boracay trip in this helpful guide.


Photo courtesy of Glen Jackson via Unsplash

Benefits of Traveling Solo

2020 has cancelled everyone’s travel plans, and 2021 got everyone hoping to jump back to their travel goals. According to travel agency Overseas Adventure Travel, more than 24,000 solo travellers have booked 2021 trips, and most of them are women travelers. As the travel company’s CEO and president Brian Fitzgerald said, single women are particularly passionate about mingling with the local people and it’s life-changing.

And whether you’re a male or female, one cannot deny that solo travel has its perks in the post-pandemic world. Aside from getting your much-needed alone time, here are other benefits of traveling alone:

1. You will avoid COVID more easily

It’s easier to do social distancing when you’re on your own. You simply have to avoid large crowds and strangers. On top of that, you’re assured that you are following safe travel tips amid the COVID-19 outbreak, without constantly reminding anyone.

2. You will only focus on the destination.

If you opt for solo travel, you don’t have to focus on familiar people like your family or friends. You wouldn’t have to think about where others would want to go or even take pictures for them. You simply enjoy the surroundings in your destination and go where you want to explore.

3. You have an opportunity to de-stress and improve yourself.

Going to Boracay, an island that is one of the World Travel Awards 2020’s nominees, is simply an instant de-stressor with the number of picturesque beaches and other natural wonders. This may also be a good time to clearly think about your next goals and plans in life.

4. You decide where you spend your money.

Solo travel is a good way to save your money and decide where you want to spend it more. Do you want to spend it on tours, on local food or souvenirs? It doesn’t matter because you have control over where you want to spend your money on this vacation.

5. Aside from learning about yourself, you also learn about others.

One of the best benefits of solo travel in the Philippines is learning more about the local culture. Interacting with the locals and fellow travelers lets you gain a new perspective about the world that you live in

6. You learn independence.

Traveling solo doesn't just teach you basic life skills such as budgeting your money or taking care of your health. As National Geographic Traveler’s writer Carrie Miller pointed out, solo travel teaches you that you can go anywhere and do anything in life. So if you’re looking for a sign to finally pick a job that is different from your course or migrate somewhere, you might find that sign in your solo trip!


Photo courtesy of Anete Lūsiņa via Unsplash

Your Handy Solo Travel Checklist

Now that you know the perks of traveling alone, you need to take note of important things you need to consider before going to Boracay. Avoid any hustle or mishap during your trip by ticking off the items in this checklist:

1. Budget

Knowing your budget is one of the great solo travel tips and tricks that you have to keep in mind. Decide on where you will spend your money and keep extra cash. In this way, you wouldn’t incur debt or go home broke!

2. Accommodation

Avoid committing first-time Boracay travel mistakes. Book only in accredited accommodations like Alta Vista De Boracay so that before going to Boracay island, you are ensured that you are booked in an accommodation that strictly follows health guidelines to protect you and the staff from COVID-19.

3. Itinerary

Let’s face it: it’s exciting to have spontaneous solo travel plans. But with COVID-19, you might find yourself getting disappointed if you just go for a travel experience without any itinerary. Some activities or places might be closed to avoid COVID-19 transmissions, so it’s better to stick to an itinerary for now.

4. Emergency contacts

Even if it’s not a solo travel plan, any smart traveler knows that he or she should have a list of emergency contacts. Save the number of your accommodation or the local police station, and remember to put them on speed dial so that should anything happen to you, you can contact them immediately.

5. Travel insurance

In any solo traveler’s guide to enjoying Boracay, getting insured is vital. You cannot control your surroundings and other people, so it’s better to be prepared. A travel or health insurance will ensure that you get the expenses covered should anything happen.

6. COVID-19 requirements

Some of the common documents needed for traveling this quarantine includes confirmed tickets, travel insurance, and a signed health declaration. But some places like Boracay will need additional and updated requirements. Check out the Province of Aklan’s official website for the complete guide for tourists visiting Boracay.


Photo courtesy of Michael Bernander via Unsplash

Solo travel experiences you can safely enjoy in Boracay

Biking tours

Starting price: 850 pesos

Experience Boracay in a new way. Go on biking tours! You’ll keep yourself fit and healthy and avoid being vulnerable to COVID-19. At the same time, you’ll enjoy the awesome views in Boracay, particularly in Mount Luho!

You can rent bikes and other biking gear at the Boracay Fun & Sports Shop located at D’Mall.

Helmet diving

Starting price: 780 pesos

There is no COVID-19 in the sea, as the only ones you’ll be sure to interact with are sea creatures. Try helmet diving for some quiet time and appreciation of marine life.

You can book your helmet diving experience on websites such as Traveloka, Klook, and Lonely Planet.

Scuba diving

Starting price: 900 pesos

Are you an experienced swimmer? Then you surely missed diving and exploring the clear blue waters of the sea. Reconnect with your love for diving and underwater exploration by including scuba diving in your solo travel plans.

Sign up for your scuba diving session online via Padi Travel, New Wave Divers Boracay, and Boracay Scuba Dive.

Cliff diving

Starting price: 3,400 pesos

Coffee surely got your heart pumping in the past few months, because of work from home or work on-site conditions. This time, get excited over trying different diving platforms in cliff diving. Jumping from a height of 3 meters to 15 meters, make sure you’re physically fit to try this exciting yet scary solo travel experience!

Get yourself ready and book for your cliff diving experience on Traveloka and TripAdvisor.

Island hopping

Starting price: 2,200 pesos

Remember when most of us are "traveling" to the different corners of our homes just for kicks? For your solo travel, get a change of scenery. Visit different beaches and islands in Boracay. Some of the exciting islands and beaches to visit are Crocodile Island, Diniwid Beach, and Magic Island.

Sign up to explore various islands in Boracay via Traveloka and Viaje Royale Tours.


Starting price: 1,400 pesos

Sometimes, you simply just want to chill from all the stress that 2020 brought. So if you’re going to Boracay, adding parasailing to your activities will perfectly help you relax. Set off to watch the sunset and enjoy the crisp smell of the sea.

Book for a sunset parasailing session on the websites of TripAdvisor and Lonely Planet.

Jet skiing

Starting price: 1,400 pesos

A lot of disappointment may have happened this year. But you surely won’t find yourself frowning while riding a jetski! Get your spirits up and add jet skiing to your solo travel plans.

Experience a jet ski ride by booking in Viaje Royal Tours, Klook, and TripAdvisor.

While we wait patiently for the pandemic to be over, we should always keep our hopes up by planning new travel experiences for the coming year. So make sure to bookmark this article and get yourself ready to go on a post-pandemic solo trip to Boracay!