10 Questions to Ask Before Your Hotel Check-In

17 February, 2020

The small things make or break a vacation. One tiny thing people tend to forget when traveling is asking questions, especially before booking a hotel reservation. The thing is, skipping the small talk with the front desk officer can leave you with a room near a noisy elevator area or one that has the majestic view of the island sunset.

If you want the latter and all the other stuff that can make your Boracay vacation the best ever, here are the right questions to ask at your hotel check-in:

1. “What’s the location of the room?”

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The reason you’re asking this is simple: you want to check if your room can give you a nice, peaceful rest throughout your stay. You probably prefer a unit located on the lower floors because the heights give you anxiety. Or perhaps, a space on the higher floors would give you better relaxation, like the overlooking view of the Boracay beach lulls you to sleep. 

A room that gets a lot of natural light probably puts you in a good mood, or on the flip side, it may be a nuisance for you. Ask the clerk this question, and from there, tell them your needs and preferences. With this, you have a better chance of getting the room you want and avoiding the ones you don’t.

2. “Who’s staying in the room next to mine?”

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The kind of neighbor you have will give you a hint as to the kind of rest you’ll be spending during your stay. If it’s a family, you may have to put up with kids throwing a tantrum or running around restless. 

If you happen to go to the island at a time when there’s a big volleyball or sports match, there’s a good chance that athletes are at your hotel, perhaps taking over most of the rooms on your floor or above. On the night of the victory party, you can expect young adults having a surplus of energy they couldn’t contain or hitting some walls tipsy. So don’t forget, ask who your neighbor is, and see if you need to be transferred.

3. “Does this room have a connecting door?”

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While you’re on the subject of making sure you have peace in your room, ask the front desk officer if the unit has a connecting door. If it does have, chances are, you could hear every sound and word uttered in the next room, from annoying snores and loud television sets to late-night conversations and running hair dryers. It will be difficult to get a nice sleep in a hotel room, for sure.

Consider it luck if the other guests aren’t that noisy. But trust us, you wouldn’t want to feel like you have strangers in the room. If the hotel clerk confirms that your room indeed has a connecting door, ask to be moved to another unit if possible. 

4. “How’s the Wi-Fi signal in the room?”

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This is a special concern, especially for those who are traveling for business but want to have fun as well. But if you’re going off the grid, this should be a concern.

Remember that Wi-Fi services differ from one floor or room to another. By asking about internet connection, the front desk officer can refer you to rooms that are nearer to the routers. While you’re at it, ask them as well if they have limitations in terms of the number of devices connected. It’s nice to have a strong signal in your hotel room, but it’s still a downer if only some of your family members or friends can enjoy it. Usually, hotels charge extra for every additional device connected to the Wi-Fi. 

5. “What’s included in your rate?”

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The rates that you see online may not include extras like taxes, parking, or resort fees. To avoid unwanted surprises on your bill, confirm the inclusions on the price you’re paying. The added benefit of asking this question is that you’ll get the full information on the services you can take advantage of. 

You never know, you might just be able to take one of the hotel’s gym classes or bring yoga mats and other exercise gear to your room, helping you commit to staying in shape even while traveling. Believe it or not, some hotels offer free workout accommodations. Perhaps, you can also get access to a Netflix-equipped television. You’ll never know until you ask.

6. “Do you have any local affiliations?”

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This one is very useful when it’s your first time to go to Boracay and you’re barely familiar with the island. If your hotel has partnerships with brands, say, adventure package providers or restaurants, you probably can get discounts or avoid long waiting times precisely because you’re endorsed by your accommodations. 

All the same, even if your hotel doesn’t have these affiliations, ask the hotel clerk for suggestions on activities to try based on your preferences. For sure, they’ll have recommendations for a chill, laid-back type of tour or an adrenaline-rush kind of trip.

7. “Are there any special freebies not advertised?”

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Related to price inclusions, you also want to look into special items that the hotel offers, aside from the services. You’ll be surprised at the kind of things you can get from the hotel if you just know what to ask. Some provide toiletries, such as body lotions, face masks, and other beauty items. You can even request for the lip balm or sunscreen you forgot to pack, which can turn your “ruined vacation” around. 

Other items hotels offer are imported teas and snacks, stationery, special pillows, hypoallergenic sheets, and even bikes to go around the island.

8. “Do you offer shuttle services?”

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While going on foot is a good way to explore Boracay, you can’t always do that under the heat of the sun or when you have kids with you. A lot of hotels provide shuttle services on various schedules. Ask what the drop-off and pick-up points are, so you can plan your route and activities early. Be a smart traveler and ask the hotel clerk as well about the fare matrix of transportation options around the island.

9. “What’s your official social media page?”

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This would let the hotel staff know that you’re reviewing them online. Remember, hotel feedback is known as the double-edged sword for accommodations. When they get positive responses, it will encourage other tourists to try them out. Get negative ones, and it will turn people off and put a dent on hotel sales.

If the front desk officer knows that you’re “keeping an eye” on them, ready to type whatever experience you’ll have on social media, chances are, they’ll give their best effort in making your stay the best ever. 

10. “Is there a way to get a better rate?”

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Finally, ask how else you can get a better price for your hotel room. If you’re looking to cut down accommodations costs, the best way is to be straightforward about it. The hotel clerk may ask you if you’re currently enrolled in a loyalty program. Or, they may recommend a room type that accommodates both your space and budget needs. Don’t be afraid to be upfront about wanting to get a better rate.

The best Boracay vacation starts at the front desk. As small as it may seem, asking questions can lead you to a better room, a more relaxing stay, and an overall pleasant hotel experience. 

If you’re looking for accommodating hotels, book a room at Alta Vista de Boracay and experience travel comfort at its best. Strike up a conversation with our front desk officer, ask us about available rooms and promos; our hotel staff will be more than happy to assist you. See you soon!