7 Low-Key Party Ideas For Your First Visit To Alta Vista De Boracay

8 December, 2016

We have different ways of enjoying our precious vacation days. Some love to travel in groups while others prefer going solo. A grand beach party may be the definition of “fun” for you, but a more intimate gathering may be preferred by other vacationers. Whatever your idea of a stress-busting activity is, choose a Boracay hotel accommodation that will suit your plans.

Here are seven low-key beach party ideas you can do in Alta Vista de Boracay.

Family shindig

Party Ideas Boracay Family Shindig

Do you know why your family is your best vacation companions? They can turn any gathering into an unforgettable event. For your next beach party, make it more intimate by limiting attendees with family members by blood or affinity (your partner may need to wait for the next family event). Celebrate great moments in family members’ lives, like birthdays and weddings by reserving a small function hall in a Boracay hotel and design the venue together. You can mount a festive banner, design the table piece, and get the whole clan together for a good time. Bring your guitar and sing favorite ballads all through the night!

Board game night with the family

Party Ideas Boracay Board Game

Can you think of a fun activity that your seven-year-old brother and your grandmother can actively participate in? Boardgames! Bring in your games, together with the nachos, and start booking an accommodation in Boracay that can host your family for a night of clean, brain-stimulating games. To make it extra fun, you can set a theme and require all participants to dress up in costumes. Superhero-clad gamers intently concentrating on their next play will make a perfect photo.

Low-key cocktail party

Boracay Cocktail Party

Boracay is dream birthday party venue. Hosting it in the best hotel in Boracay doesn’t need to cost you a fortune. Invite your family and closest friends for a low-key get-together. Instead of a full band, you can play your jazz collection or commission a singer-friend to sing a few of your favorite acoustic songs. Prepare your own cocktails and design each glass and straw for a personalized touch.

To prepare a sherry martini, combine 2 ounces of gin and an ounce of manzanilla sherry in a mixing glass filled with ice. Stir until chilled, then strain into a chilled glass. You can garnish it with a small strip of Spanish ham or lemon twist.

Tasting party

Party Ideas Boracay Tasting

One misconception about introverts is that they abhor dealing with people. Introverts, or those with a laidback personality, actually enjoy a good company. They may not be dancing in bars on weekends, but they can hold meaningful conversations for hours. Organizing a low-key party for introverts can be as fun as large social events. You can hold a tasting party complete with a tasting card for each beer, wine, and finger food. You can have three types of beer (add a foreign brand for variety), four kinds of wine (red, white, etc.), and 8 to 10 variations of finger foods. You can turn this into a potluck party by assigning a drink or food for each attendee.

Turn it into an engaging gathering by imposing a no-cellphone, no-Internet policy. Talk, laugh, and enjoy each other’s company.

Movie night by the beach

Party Ideas Boracay Movie Night

When was the last time you shared meaningful leisure time with your spouse? The demands in the office and at home can put a strain on yourself and your relationship. It’s important to know when to step on the brakes and slow down. As usually quoted, “A blissful marriage takes hard work.” Before the year ends, surprise your partner with a trip for two to Boracay. Relive your early romantic days and enjoy a movie night by the beach. Can’t think of a movie genre that will interest you both? Here’s an idea: each of you will write two film choices on a piece of paper. Pick two through raffle. Don’t forget the popcorn, hotdogs, and beer. This party for two, albeit simple, can do wonders to your relationship.

Sound tripping party with your loved one

Party Ideas Boracay Sound Tripping

Communication is essential to any type of relationship. Most marriages break down because of the lack communication, either by intent or neglect. You can blame your busy schedules and piling responsibilities as much as you want, but the fact remains that your union is at risk if you don’t do something about it. For your next date, go to Boracay. Ask your mother to look after the kids over the weekend and take advantage of your time with your partner. Just as the sun sets, play your favorite songs in your iPod. Sing together, reminisce the wonderful past and plan ahead. Top it all with a good bottle of wine.

An intimate Christmas dinner

Party Ideas Boracay Christmas Dinner 

Boracay accommodations will soon be fully packed with Christmas vacationers. Have you booked a venue for your Christmas reunion? The essence of a low-key party is not much on the number of guests but on the intimacy of the gathering. You can have a low-key event participated by your entire clan. Comfortable and relaxing are two adjectives that define this type of gathering. This year, celebrate Christ’s birth with a dinner under the beautiful Visayan skies. You can place customized table pieces and lamps on the grand table.

When we go on vacation, we have varying ideas on how to have fun. If you’re used to hopping from one bar to another and making friends with strangers, you may want to try something new on your next visit to Boracay. Organize a low-key event at the less busy Boracay with family and friends or with your significant other. The best beach party ideas don’t always involve loud music, hard liquor, and rave dancing. These can also mean a Bingo game with cousins or a sound tripping party-for-two with your spouse.