A Newlyweds' Travel Guide To A Hassle-Free Honeymoon

6 July, 2018

Hollywood has made us believe that a married couple's first grand trip is a fairytale adventure. This is not to dampen your enthusiasm, but some honeymoons involve yelling, crying, and the newlyweds' first big fight. Like your marriage, a hassle-free travel with your spouse requires work.

Here's newlyweds' travel guide you help you both.

Talk about the budget

couple lying front sunset

Now that you're to build a family of your own, you should be more cautious about making financial decisions. Remember that you've just spent serious money on your wedding. As much as you want to splurge on your honeymoon, don't spend your life's savings on it.

Agree on a budget then work from there. Traveling is pretty cheap nowadays with all the budget airline deals and hotel promos. You can sign up for luxury cruises for a fraction of the price using vouchers. You can have an unforgettable honeymoon without breaking the bank.

Compromise on your travel destinations

couple hiking cliff

You've been longing to go back to Hong Kong for a shopping spree in Mong Kok, but your partner isn't much of a shopper. In fact, he'd rather wait in a coffee shop while you spend hours looking for the perfect jeans. Compromise on your destination. If your spouse is enchanted with historic sites, and you with local bazaars, you can choose a destination that offers both. You can try the Ilocandia or Cebu. Going abroad? What about Turkey or Malaysia?

Plan your itinerary together

Husbands are likely to leave the itinerary to their wives. Women are “better at planning,” they say. The itinerary is the most common cause of fights during trips. Most underestimate the travel time from one destination to another, wasting time going around in circles. Avoid the frustrations of traveling in an unknown place by mapping out your destination, checking your transport options, marking the restaurants and diners, and estimating your travel time. You can do all of these by using available information in the Internet. Also ask travel tips from family and friends.

Don't let your husband off the hook. Plan your itinerary together to avoid the blame game.

Pack light

couple on train station

Packing light for a trip, especially your honeymoon, isn't an easy undertaking. It might require a lot of thought and sacrifices. “Will I bring four swimsuits or just two?”, “How many maxi dresses will I need for our week-long vacation?”, “Should I bring a pair of galoshes just in case it rains?” Stop for moment. Go over your itinerary and coordinate your outfit based on your activities and/or destination.

For your Boracay honeymoon, mix and match outfits. You can pair your denim cut-offs with a bikini top for your beach adventure; an off-shoulder blouse for your afternoon strolls; and a tunic for your romantic dinner.

Bring a book or a deck of cards

Flight delays is a fact of life. There's no need to fret about it. What you can do, however, is to prepare for something to do while in the airport lounge. You can play games in your smartphone or tablet, or read a good book. You can also do something fun together like card games.

Choose a premier accommodation

Choosing a quality hotel for your honeymoon is non-negotiable. Allot a good part of your budget for your accommodation. You're not college students on summer vacation who can get through the night in tents. You're newlyweds on a honeymoon.

Alta Vista de Boracay ensures you the privacy you need. It's located in the sleepy Puka Beach and perched on one of the highest peaks on the island. Your hotel offers a majestic view of a beautifully-manicured golf course, the natural landscape of the island, and the mesmerizing blues of the seas. Alta Vista de Boracay features a top-rated restaurant, sports bar, karaoke room, infinity pool, and more. It's a relaxation haven that's worth every peso.

Prep your travel documents early

couple on mobile phones

Avoid the inconvenience of running around your house and looking for your plane tickets and passports on the day of your departure. Your travel documents should be kept in a plastic envelope and tucked in your carry-on luggage. If you booked your flight and hotel online, make sure you have enough printouts. This will ensure a hassle-free trip when your electronic gadgets run out batteries. Another tip: print out copies of your passport, IDs, insurance cards, credit cards, etc. as back-up in case of loss.

Prepare a first-aid kit with essential meds

There is no greater horror than one of you getting sick on your honeymoon. Before your trip, check whether your health insurance cover emergencies in your destination. This is especially important if you're going abroad. Get vaccines as recommended by your country of destination.

Whether you're going to Aklan or Cambodia, a first-aid kit is a must-have. Pack it with essential meds such as those against coughs and colds, nausea, allergies, diarrhea, and constipation, and heart burns. Bring the kit, which can be packed in a small carry-on, wherever you go.

Take it easy with the selfies and enjoy your surroundings

couple on selfies

Posting travel photos online has become the norm, thanks to social media. Of course you'll want to let your Instagram followers to know your amazing destinations. But don't forget to enjoy your new environment offline. Marvel at the architectural gems, savor the local cuisine and, most importantly, spend time with your spouse. This is a special time for you both, after all.

Give each other time to be alone

couple on motorcycle

Your honeymoon is more than the traditional rite after the marriage ceremony. Your first travel together as husband and wife can pose challenges that will help you know each other more. It may test your patience, control your irritation, and push you to compromise.

You're supposed to gaze at each other lovingly throughout your trip. Being in each other's company at every hour can spark irritations. Give each other time to be alone. Go for a sprint in the morning or visit the local church for a short prayer.

Your honeymoon may not be faultless, but it can be hassle-free. Don't let the minor mishaps ruin your mood on such a meaningful trip. Know travel tips and tricks for your first getaway as a married couple.