Avoid Overpacking And Let Go Of These 10 Things When Traveling

12 March, 2019

The beach season is just around the corner and for sure, you are already planning your getaway. It may be a quick trip to La Union or a ride down south to Batangas. You may even be thinking of the picturesque summer in Boracay. Besides where to go, what you should also be asking is: what are the travel packing tips and tricks you should know?
Why? Because a trip won’t feel like a vacation if you find yourself lugging around a heavy bag. Over-packing will definitely bring stress and may even dampen your much-awaited summer trip. One good way to avoid over-packing is to pack using the KonMari way.

If you want to learn more about this method for your summer travels aside from the usual articles that list down the essential things to pack for travel, read these ten things that will not spark joy for your sunny getaway.

#1: Extra gadgets

Avoid Overpacking Extra Gadgets When Travelling

Photo courtesy of Karol D via Pexels

When you go on your summer trip, you will be tempted to bring things that you think will “enhance” the experience. You’ll probably pack your trusty laptop and digicam so that you can document everything. If you are a photographer, you’ll be tempted to bring that extra zoom lens.

The KonMari method requires you to ask yourself: Does this spark joy? Most likely you’ll say yes because gadgets are fun to bring around. But when you have too many, your bag becomes heavier and you’ll be worrying about so many gadgets in your luggage. Nevermind the fact that you might encounter some difficulty at the airport. Let’s face it: you don’t really need so many gadgets because you’re supposed to appreciate nature. Who would want to be distracted from the beauty of Boracay?

#2: Bulky towels

Avoid Overpacking Bulky Towels When Travelling

Photo courtesy of Dom J via Pexels

We’re sure you’ve tried all sorts of organizing tricks just so you can fit as much clothes as possible in your bag. One thing you can try is to avoid bringing bulky towels. Not only do these take up so much space, they are also unnecessary since most of the time the place you’ve booked will be providing towels anyways. These clunky towels are really one of those things you’ll regret packing for your travels.

#3: Jewelry

The glitz and the glam your jewelries bring can take a backseat in your upcoming summer getaway. Not only will you find yourself only using them once or twice, you also open up to risks of losing them. Remember, these shiny objects are very appealing to the eyes of dubious characters you may chance upon in your travels.

Besides, if you’re traveling and want to get the best deals by bargaining, who will believe that you need a lower price when you are wearing all sorts of fancy jewelry? Skip these when you pack for your trip out of the country or summer in Boracay.

#4: Different shoes for different occasions

Avoid Overpacking Different Shoes When Travelling

Photo courtesy of Md. Zahid Hasan Joy via Pexels

Footwear is one of the hardest items to pack because of their weight and size. So why are you packing different shoes for different occasions that “may” happen?

The way to pack shoes is to determine what you are going to do once you’ve reached your destination and pack accordingly. If you are going trekking, then by all means bring hiking shoes. If you are going to the beach, flip flops will do just fine. Choose your shoes carefully based on your itinerary and then let go of the other pairs that you won’t really be needing.

#5: Full-on beauty products and gadgets

Avoid Overpacking Beauty Products and Gadgets When Travelling

Photo courtesy of Element 5 Digital via Pexels

We all want our hairdos to be perfect so that we look top-notch in all of our travel pictures but really, you don’t have to bring an entire salon to your trip!  If you want to know how to pack suitcase the KonMari Way, lessening the “non-essentials” is one way to do it.

Marie Kondo also emphasizes the idea of an object’s necessity in your life and travels. So if you are going to spend your summer in Boracay, you won’t really be needing that curling iron for your hair. It’s a different case altogether if you are going on a trip where you are required to look presentable. Again, really ask yourself if these beauty items are needed. If not, then you should definitely skip them.

#6: Bulky hardcover novels

Avoid Overpacking Bulky Hardcover Novels When Travelling

Photo courtesy of Suzy Hazelwood via Pexels

Reading while waiting at the airport, on the plane or by the beach in Boracay are really great ways to spend your time. But there are many other more practical ways of enjoying your love for reading instead of bringing hardcover books.

You can opt to bring paperback books instead since these are significantly lighter than hardcover books. A Kindle or Kobo is also a great way to enjoy reading because it can house so, so many books!

#7: Too many toiletries

Avoid Overpacking Too Many Toiletries When Travelling

Photo courtesy of Gerritt Tisdale via Pixabay

Toiletries are definitely one of the essential things to pack for travel especially if you are going to be doing a lot of physical activities. However, this does not mean that you indulge yourself and bring everything in your cabinet. Why? Because most of these items can either be bought there or is provided for by the hotel.

So while shampoos, conditioners, toothbrushes, etc. spark joy at home, they won’t be sparking joy when you travel as they will just use up more space in your luggage. These items are already included in what you will be paying for so it’s best to take advantage of that!

#8: “Just in case” items

We’re all safe packers here because we want to prepare for anything that might happen during our travels. What if a typhoon hits and I need my raincoat? What if the van that will transport me breaks down and I need my running shoes? There are a lot of “just in case” scenarios we pack for that don’t really happen.  

It’s good to pack for scenarios but you’ll have to choose those that are likely to happen. If you are visiting a tropical paradise like Boracay, then chances of you needing your thick jacket are very, very low. When packing, you should have realistic expectations of what can happen and let go of the “just in case” items that will just overcrowd your luggage.

#9: Anything you can buy there

Avoid Overpacking Anything You Can Buy When Travelling

Photo courtesy of Ricardo Esquivel via Pexels

Sundresses, hats, and cute bracelets are definitely must-haves for a summer in Boracay but this does not mean you should pack a lot of these items. Why? Because you can buy those items when you arrive. So, per the KonMari method: let these items go.

Not only will you save luggage space for the other items you will be buying, but you also get to have pieces from the place you’ve visited you can show off!

#10: Items with the same use

We’re all guilty of it: two pairs of practically the same jeans, more than one pair of sunglasses, or even multiple pairs of sunglasses. There are many items to add to this list even though just one of these items will suffice. So this 2019, it’s time to cut it down using the Marie Kondo method.

When packing, lay down all of the similar items you have separated into different categories: pants, shirts, shades, etc. Then what you’ll need to do is to ask yourself what sparks joy the most. It may be in terms of style or function, but the point is you need to choose the best item among the pile.

If you’re traveling, it’s best to research about the place and plan accordingly. Tropical places like Boracay will have a different set of what you need to pack as opposed to places like Sagada. What sparks joy isn’t necessarily the number of items you’ll bring to your vacation but the fact that you’ve had a hassle-free adventure because of the light luggage you have.