Your Stress-Reliever Checklist For Your Boracay Vacation

8 March, 2018

Stress shouldn't be part of your daily life. Studies show that regular exposure to stress can lead to high blood pressure, heart problems and premature death. “The longer the stress lasts, the worse it is for both your mind and body. You might feel fatigued, unable to concentrate or irritable for no good reason, for example. But chronic stress causes wear and tear on your body, too,” the American Psychological Association warns.

Going on an out-of-town vacation is an effective stress-reliever. The new surroundings and fun outdoor activities can break your exhausting routine. But you should know that not all places in Boracay offer the relaxation you need. The island, a world-famous tourist destination, hosts millions of vacationers each year. The beach clubs and shopping centers may be too crowded for you.

Know 8 stress-relieving places for a truly relaxing Boracay vacation.

Free escape to Puka Beach

Some people choose to unwind in the company of other vacationers. Others prefer to be in isolated places, away from the crowds and the noise. If you're the latter type of vacationer, you may want to avoid the popular White Beach where most hotels, restos and party places are found.

Head to the charming Puka Beach, formerly Yapak Beach. This spot, located on the northern part of Boracay, has clearer waters and stronger currents, making it a swimmer's top choice. What to do on Puka Beach? Relax. You can have a picnic, read a book or simply lounge under a coconut tree while listening to your Spotify playlist.

Indulge in comfort food

Discovering new dishes and desserts is a highlight of every vacationer's adventure. Do you know that certain foods can help relieve stress? Green leafy vegetables can stabilize your blood sugar while dark chocolates can improve your emotional response. In Boracay, you'll never run out of dining options. The island is home to restaurants that offer local and international cuisine. There are stalls that sell fruit shakes, ice cream, and other desserts.

If you want to savor a sinful dessert away from crowded restaurants, you need not leave your hotel in Puka Beach. Alta Vista de Boracay's L'Altura Restaurant features a menu of mouthwatering appetizers, desserts, full meals, and a lot more. Try the Filipino Dessert Sampler, which includes buko pandan gel, turon or banana in fried wraps, and champorado or chocolate rice porridge.

Enjoy outdoor activities on Bulabog Beach

The secret in living a stress-free lifestyle is to stay in the present moment. Spiritual teacher and bestselling author Eckhart Tolle said: “Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.” Shed all your worries and live the present moment by engaging into adrenaline-pumping outdoor activities.

Go kiteboarding and parasailing in Bulabog Beach. These stress reliever activities are ideal during the cooler off-peak season when the winds are stronger.

Capture moments at Lagutan Beach

It is said that you cannot take a bad photo in Boracay. The blue skies, clear waters, and white sands make for a cinematic vacation. Take your mind away from work-related worries by documenting your Boracay adventures the old-fashioned way: photography with a bulky camera. Why use a camera instead of your smartphone? So you can keep yourself from posting photos right away. Don't take shots just for the sake of proving you were in Boracay. Choose places. Capture moments. Enjoy the whole process of photography.

Head on to Tulubhan Beach and take captivating photos of the coastal town fisherfolk. Lagutan Beach, a fairly isolated beach, features colorful boats docked on its shores and the laidback lifestyle of locals.

Go diving at Crocodile Beach

Family problems, break ups, and setbacks at work can cause stress-related illnesses. Being in a different environment with unfamiliar faces can give you a much-needed break and time to think things over. Be closer with nature in Boracay. Explore the rich marine life in this part of the archipelago.

The Crocodile Beach, found at the southeast part of the island, is a highly-recommended diving spot. You can also visit Angol Point and Coral Garden. For seasoned divers, Channel Drift and Camia are the places to be. Try night diving and be surprised by the nocturnal underwater life.

Discover the breathtaking landscape of Nabas

According to researchers at the University of Exeter Medical School, people living near green spaces experience less mental distress. Another study by Dutch scientists found that those residing within about half a mile of nature have lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, asthma, and 12 other diseases. Science is conclusive on the stress-busting impact of exposure to nature.

Boracay is more than its beaches. It has diving spots, trekking areas, and forests. Its neighboring islands offer outdoor activities like no other. Go spelunking in Basang Cave, the longest cave in the country, in neighboring Nabas. The town is also known for Hurom-Hurom or its cold springs. Hike a mountainside trail and see a variety of wild plants and birds everywhere.

Dip in an infinity pool at Alta Vista de Boracay

People have different ways of relieving stress. Believe it or not, there are some who find relaxation in listening to heart-pumping music or engaging into hours-long debates with strangers. Others do crafts and a few go to the gym. Well, whatever floats your boat.

Alta Vista de Boracay, a premier hotel on Puka Beach, features topnotch amenities for an ultimate relaxing vacation. You can take a dip in the infinity pool, away from the jampacked White Beach. This spot gives you a majestic view of an expansive golf course and the rest of the island. Relax with a glass of refreshing mango juice.

Watch the sunset

The best of Boracay is free. It's in the crushed seashells that gently massage your weary feet, in the cool breeze that cradle your worrisome head, and the humbling heavens that constantly remind you that “it's going to be okay.” So, put down your smartphone and pay attention to your surroundings. Watch Boracay's stunning sunset wherever you are in the island.

Stress is blamed for a number of diseases that affect people of all ages. Don't let it degrade the quality of your life. Know ways on how to relieve stress including traveling to new places. Recharge in worry-free Boracay.