12 Smart Reasons Why You Should Book Your 2020 Travel Now

28 January, 2020

Setting travel plans for the year is never too early. By the start of the year, you should have an idea of where you want to go and how you’re going to get there. Better to be proactive, right? But, the real, honest to goodness question is, have you already thought of going somewhere else at least locally this year, or something popped up on your mind, ‘say, Boracay booking?

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Well, in case you haven’t, then maybe this is just the perfect time for you to stop for a moment and think about these things. Time to get over the holiday and start planning again for 2020! Here are 12 good reasons why you should start planning:

1. Places like Boracay don’t allow going without prior booking 

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While it sounds more adventurous and thrilling just to pack your things and head somewhere, real-life scenarios would tell you otherwise. For places like Boracay, it is essential for tourists, whether local or foreign ones, to secure proof of booking because, just like you, hotel staff and owners there also planning and forecasting the number of guests that they can accommodate, especially during summer or holidays.

So, don’t be surprised when someone would ask for your Boracay hotel reservation the moment you arrive. It’s one good thing to keep in mind, especially when you’re a first-time traveler in Boracay.

2. Get the best flight seats 

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It’s probably one of the most consistent, common mistakes that many travelers commit when they finalize their trip. The reason being would be the wrong mindset that there are flight promos left and right as if they’re everywhere, and they would surely get at least one for themselves. However, sad to say, these promos don’t last forever, and if you’re one of the guilty people out there, it’s about time to book the best flights that you can get before they’re gone and find yourself availing the most expensive ones. 

While it's true that you can easily search for a promo online any day or any time, the idea of booking early will give you peace of mind knowing that you can also choose the best seats for you and your family or travel buddies. So, whether you prefer an aisle or window seat, your wish can be granted. You just have to learn some amazing hacks to book cheap flights, and it’s 101% guaranteed that you won’t have to sulk for hours dreaming you’re sitting on a more cozy seat with more legroom. 

3. Get great hotel deals

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One of the sweetest things you'll ever receive is a confirmation email that says you've successfully booked a value-for-money hotel. That alone adds up a feeling of thrill when you get that confirmation and makes you even more excited as you look forward to that BIG travel day. 

With hotels, you can select great deals where you can even select how big your room can be, and you’re also free to choose the view you’ll see from your windows. At Alta Vista de Boracay, you can enjoy the lush and verdant hilltop view and the stellar Pua Beach next to it. Sounds relaxing, right?

Plus, the idea that your hotel comes with special tours and freebies, such as having a free shuttle service or enjoying a relaxing day spa massage, especially when you opt for online booking for Boracay, is not far from happening.

4. You can file leaves earlier 

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Never forget that it’s not all about you. Accept that most of your officemates, if not all, also want to recharge and de-stress, breathe, and escape from your office. Thus, it is best to practice good vacation leave etiquette and file early so that you won’t get an added burden and pain of getting notified that your leaves were declined. 

Moreso, it will make you a considerate coworker to think not only about personal vacations but your colleagues who want to make sure that operations are smooth sailing if. Best of all, this could easily clinch the top list of your motivations for going to work as you wait for your travel date. 

5. Go and save up some ka-ching

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It's no secret that you'll save some bucks when you book your holiday early. Because of that, you are more inclined to learn and practice Boracay budget tips. Please note that it's better to book leisure flights a month early and hotel rooms at least two months before your vacation to get the best prices. Two weeks before the trip and seats are almost filled. This will cause airline rates to spike up. The same goes for hotel rooms as they quickly get booked, especially during the holidays.

So where are you going to spend the extra money that you saved? Well, you’ll have the freedom to spend it on food, other travel-related expenses, and other activities that you want to add on your itinerary. 

Additionally, you'll also have more months to save up for your pocket money and finance the whole trip either by using your coin bank or making regular deposits to your account.

6. Time to stay focused on important priorities

Photo courtesy of Glenn Carstens-Peters via Unsplash

Finalizing your travel plans early would mean that you have your eyes focused on critical priorities like your time with family and friends, your career goals for this year, as well as doing your part in your community. After all, this is the very reason why you want to travel - to recharge to do more, right? 

7. Stress? Can’t relate

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Hitting the book button months early gives you more time to plan your entire trip. If you're traveling as a big group or maybe even your whole office as a Boracay company outing, there is more time to organize and delegate responsibilities. 

You will be able to fix your schedule according to your booked dates ahead of time. This is important, especially if you have a busy schedule at work or school. Aside from filing your leaves early, you will also make you drive you to finish your tasks so it won't interfere with your vacation. Imagine a travel experience where you don't have to rush things, and you can enjoy every moment of it? Now, that's a perk you'd enjoy and thank yourself for.

8. Fix your itinerary just like how you want it 

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Island hopping? Scuba diving? Parasailing? Side trips? Be able to fit them all and more in your schedule when you're booked early. This gives you a set date and time of arrival and departure, which helps you calculate the days of your stay and the number of activities you can do. You'll also be able to book the activities and restaurants you want to try. Keep in mind that they are more likely to get fully booked as well for the holiday season.

Having your itinerary fixed a month before your vacation lets you shift priorities should there be any changes in your schedule or activities. You have the power to eliminate or include even include side trips in your travels.

These are luxuries you won't be able to experience when booking late because you'd be occupied with other things. Either you'll end up not doing all the activities you plan to do, or you settle for things that you're not interested in. Trust us, that's a vacation you wouldn't want to experience.

9. More time to enjoy your pre-travel buzz

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After you know you're all set to go, the blissful feeling of excitement will start to fill your soul—and that's usually a sign that your adventure will be one for the books. Every day will be a countdown to your trip, which will give you a better mood and mindset for the vacation. Looking forward to your travel without any stress is one of the best parts of your trip.

You will have little to no time to enjoy a pre-travel buzz when you book late. You only have a week (or sometimes days if you're good at procrastinating) to crunch planning, packing, and making sure you'll leave everything okay. Having a stressful mood before your trip can make you restless and unenthusiastic. Don't do that to yourself. You deserve a wonderful vacation.

10. Have time to start writing down memorable things in your travel journal

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Bring out the old soul in you and start writing great memories on your travel journal while counting the days that you'll finally land in your travel destination. Here’s a travel journal guide for beginners:

You might want to jot down while laughing about the crazy beach outfits you’ve purchased, share about your fun conversations with your travel barkada about the updates for your much-awaited vacay, or just simply write about your random travel thoughts on your journal. Even putting into words the joy of packing your stuff in an unhurried, relaxed way would make your much-awaited trip one of the most memorable travels in your entire life. 

11. More adaptable to changes

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As you have heard more than once, “the only permanent thing in this world is change.” It sounds like a cliché but it’s true. Change is inevitable.

This could mean travel buddies canceling, travel items you’ve ordered were not delivered on time, delays in getting your vacation leave approved, and other problems, or better say, challenges that may arise while heading to your travel date. So, in order to avoid handling these things out of proportion, it is very important to have ample time allocated for these challenges. 

Having said this, you will also be able to get these problems resolved before they get in the way and ruin your whole trip. 

12. It saves you from unnecessary chaos and regrets

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You will hear most experienced travelers say that traveling itself is a way to learn more about life and discover your true self. There are many lessons that could be learned while you’re carefully planning your travels. Imagine if you’re able to successfully plan in advance and organize everything ahead of time, then you’ll surely spare yourself from unnecessary chaos and regrets that shouldn’t be part of your whole travel experience. Conflicts, chaos, regrets - you surely do not want any of these on your luggage bags!

Now, after you have read all these good reasons why you should plan your trips and book early, you’re surely on your way to becoming a smart traveler. You won’t miss out on the best flight seats, you can save up for your trip, enjoy your travel preparations, consider the best travel options, fix your whole itinerary, and best of all, enjoy your entire travel journey. 

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You will definitely have the freedom to choose your dream destination like the world-famous Boracay island and book wisely in an unforgettable hotel and resort-like Alta Vista De Boracay. 

After all, this is the bottom line of all your planning and travel preparations. So, before you get too much advice here, go grab your calendar, plan your well-deserved trip, and book the best hotel in Boracay now!