Boracay First-Timer? Explore Off-Season Travels

29 March, 2017

Most budget backpackers only travel on off-peak seasons. However, there are skilled travelers who are able to score discounted flights, accommodations, and even meals regardless of the season. In the Philippines, it’s a little more expensive to travel between December and May, which is the peak season. This period marks long weekends, school vacations, and beach-perfect weather. The months from June to November are the off-season travel period when rain showers are frequent and students are back to classes.

Surely, you’d love to fly to one of the world’s most beautiful islands next summer. Well, who doesn’t? Everybody will be posting beach photos on Facebook and Instagram, stirring envy from those otherwise stuck in their lonesome office cubicles.

Don’t fret. You should be aware of the many advantages of going to Boracay during off-peak seasons. Here are some practical considerations for a beach getaway on lean months.

Less travelers, cheaper flights

Off Season Cheaper Flights

Peak season rates can easily turn off a budget traveler. Since demand is high during summer, especially in long weekends, businesses hike prices of transportation, room accommodations, meals, etc. It’s a simple scenario of price elasticity. How to go to Boracay on a tight budget? Airlines offer discounts up to 50% on tickets, as well as promos for group travelers. If you book your flight months ahead, you can get bigger discounts. You can also inquire on ferry companies, especially the larger ones, that offer regular overnight passenger service. Buying your ticket months ahead will also allow you time to plan your Boracay itinerary better.

Lots of promos on accommodations

Off Season Lots of Promo

Traveling, as life-changing as it is, can hurt your pocket if you don’t plan well. Filipinos are fortunate to live in a country with almost limitless travel options including beaches, mountains, historical sites, and commercial districts. With a couple thousands of pesos, one can have a meaningful out-of-town vacation.

Are you traveling to Boracay for the first time? Do it on an off-peak season to save on accommodation expenses. Backpackers have a wide range of affordable options from resorts to inns. If you want a luxurious accommodation without ruining your budget, you can explore Alta Vista De Boracay. Check out their website for promos and special packages.

Less traffic to the airport

Off Season Less Traffic to Airport

The metro can get unbelievably congested during peak seasons when people are ecstatic to go places. The dry weather makes Filipinos long for the sun, seas, and sand. Traveling to Boracay during off-peak months can spare you from horrific traffic to and from the airport. The Kalibo International Airport, the Caticlan Airport, and the Caticlan jetty port can also get seriously crowded on peak months. If you would just spend time stressing over your journey, what’s the point of a vacation?

Navigate the islands more freely

Off Season Navigate the Island

In 2015, the Malaysian Association of Tour & Travel Agent declared Boracay as their favorite beach destination for the year. The island welcomes tens of thousands of local and foreign tourists each year, with a huge majority flocking in from December to May. Crowds, while a fun sight, can get suffocating and annoying especially when you’re trying to relax.

Your Boracay itinerary 2016 should include an eco-tour or a nature trek around the island. Be amazed at the rich natural resources of Aklan province, its majestic landscapes and vibrant local customs. You can have a more meaningful journey in Boracay and other neighboring islands when there are fewer tourists around.

A solemn time alone with your loved one

Off Season Solemn Time

Many foreigners claim that the Philippines has the most beautiful sunsets in the world. This is a declaration Filipinos can concur with. The months of June to November mark the rainy season in the country, though because of global climate change, rain showers are now common even in summer. However, not even the gloomy weather can diminish the beauty of Boracay. If not, it even boosts its charm.

Bring your partner to Boracay on an off-peak month and enjoy the laidback atmosphere. Fewer people, less noise, more solemn time for deep conversations with the person nearest to your heart.

Less competition in filing for vacation leaves

Off Season Less Competition

Peak seasons mean more vacation notifications in your office email. Employees take advantage of long weekends during Christmas, New Year’s Day and the Holy Week by filing extended vacation leaves. Businesses can only allow a certain number of people to go on leave at any given time for obvious reasons.

You don’t need to fight for a vacation leave slot. Plan your Boracay getaway during an off-peak season. There’s a string of public holidays from  June to November including the weekend immediately following and extends to October 31 (Monday) and November 1 (Tuesday). That’s a four-day vacation for you!

Better opportunity to observe local customs

Off Season Observe Local Customs

What to do in Boracay this 2016? Pack your hiking boots, floppy hat, sunglasses, and water jug, and walk around the public market, plaza and open spaces in Boracay where the locals spend most of their busy days. The island is not only about white sand beaches and vibrant night parties. It’s a destination with diverse cultures and centuries-old customs. Get a deeper understanding of the Negritos, the first settlers in the island, and their traditional way of living. Do you know that this native tribe are experts in fauna and flora?

After having breakfast in your hotel, start navigating the other parts of Boracay. You can explore by foot, tricycles or pedicabs. There are mountain bikes and motor bikes that you can rent. Have lunch in a local restaurant, enjoy afternoon coffee in town, and share a light dinner with other tourists. Don’t forget your camera!

Budget travel is an immensely popular trend everywhere. Governments and businesses want people to travel more and spend more by offering affordable travel options. There are more budget airlines these days, more hotels and resorts offering accommodation promos and an increasing number of travel agencies coming up with affordable packages all year ‘round. What are you waiting for? Plan your Boracay escape now!