9 Priceless Experiences In Boracay's Puka Beach

18 September, 2017

“Look at that sea, girls — all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds,” L.M. Montgomery wrote in her classic Anne of Green Gables. Book readers know the magic of beautifully descriptive words. They are shuttles that take you from one dimension to another. They are medicines to the weary heart and food for the hungry soul. Where do writers take inspiration in creating amazing works of literature? L.M. Montgomery couldn't have immortalized the natural beauty of Canada without witnessing it and truly breathing in its exquisiteness.

Whether you're a writer seeking inspiration or a stressed out worker needing relaxation, traveling offers a solution. Explore Boracay's world-famous White Beach and the secluded Puka Beach for a feast of the senses. Here are 9 of the best Boracay experiences you shouldn't miss.

Breathe in the present moment

Photo courtesy of Ibrahim Asad via Pexels

Boracay is known for its powdery white sands and clear waters. It is said that you cannot take a bad photo in this island. Everything is simply picturesque. Before taking hoards of selfies, put down your gadgets and just take in the blissful sensations around you. Feel the warm salty air wash away your troubles, sink your toes into the fine sands under your feet, and breathe in the present moment.

Let seashells massage your soles

“Puka” is a native term that refers to the hole on seashells that scatter on Puka Beach's white shores. Stroll along the beach with your loved ones. Wear protective water shoes and let the shells gently massage your soles as you walk. Just leave the shells alone. Do not take home any marine creatures.

Refresh your parched mouth and recharge your energy

Staying long under the sun can dehydrate your body. Studies show that dehydration can cause headaches, irritability, sugar cravings and bad breath. It can also dry your skin and make you feel tired. Whatever beach activities you've got prepared, make sure that you have a bottle of water with you. You can also quench your thirst with fresh buko juice sold everywhere in Boracay. There are stalls selling mango shake, orange juice and chilled soda. Let these cool beverages refresh your parched mouth and recharge your energy. Going to the isolated Puka Beach? Don't forget to bring your water jug with you!

Delight your taste buds

Photo courtesy of Pixabay via Pexels

One of the highlights of a Boracay vacation is the food. You will never run out of dining options. There are restaurants offering your favorite local dishes from adobo to sinigang na bangus. Want some kimchi and bibimbap? Korean diners are everywhere. Boracay is ready to satisfy your cravings for Italian, Japanese or Chinese cuisine. Delight your taste buds with a spicy grilled seafood, mildly sour vegetable soup and sweet cold desserts. Visit Alta Vista de Boracay for a satisfying serving of Kare-Kare, which is local dish of ox tail and vegetables in rich peanut sauce.

Get into exhilarating outdoor fun

When was the last time you felt exhilarated about an activity? Do you even remember the feeling of butterflies going crazy in your stomach and the excitement leaving you giddy? In Boracay, you can forget your work deadlines and bills for a moment and just let your hair down. Get into outdoor fun. You can go parasailing, scuba diving, banana boat riding and water skiing. Puka Beach is the less frequently visited destination in Boracay. It lets you escape the crowds of people trying out various activities.

Tune in to nature's appeasing sounds

Photo courtesy of Photo Collections via Pexels

For once, relieve yourself from the stressful noises of the city. All the honking, tire screeches, loud music from establishments, and people talking incessantly can aggravate your stress levels. Fly to Boracay and let the sounds of nature calm you down. You can visit the unspoiled part of Puka Beach and listen to the crashing waves slam against the beach. Hear the flapping of leaves as the warm breeze from the seas gust through the shores. Shut off your mental babbles and tune in to nature's sounds.

Marvel at romantic sunsets

“Eternal sunrise, eternal sunset, eternal dawn and gloaming, on sea and continents and islands, each in its turn, as the round earth rolls,” John Muir mused. Many foreign visitors can attest that there's nothing like the majestic sunsets in the Philippines. These breathtaking views can rival the Aurora Borealis in colder regions, and the fluffy clouds of South America. Planning an unforgettable wedding anniversary on a budget? Visit Puka Beach and embrace the solitude where you can both marvel at its romantic sunset.

Admire the bright lights that intersperse above

Photo courtesy of Flickr via Pexels

When planning for things to do in Boracay with kids, go for something that you can't typically do at home. The beautiful night skies are blocked by towering buildings, infrastructure and cranes in the city. Rarely do people look up and marvel at the stars. Without such obstructions in beach destinations, you and your kids can do star gazing in your next Boracay vacation. Check out a Boracay map and locate the Great Bear, Ursa Major and the North Star on Orion's Belt. Let your eyes admire the bright lights that intersperse above.

Calm your senses in solitude

Nothing can calm the senses more than stillness and solitude. Boracay may be known as a party destination, but there are hidden spots where you can truly shed your daily stressors. In Alta Vista de Boracay, a premier hotel atop one of the highest peaks in the island, you can take a dip in the infinity pool overlooking the natural wonders of Boracay. Enjoy a cup of aromatic homegrown coffee on the Dinara View Deck where you have a front-row seat to spectacular crimson sunsets.

The best things in life are free. No amount of money can buy the blissful sensations nature has to offer. Feel the powdery sands through your toes, listen to the choral of crashing waves on the shore, savor gastronomic delights, and marvel at the stunning heavens. Experience blissful sensations in Boracay.