You Should Always Have These 9 Travel Essentials Post-COVID-19

11 June, 2020

Given that the pandemic crept into the daily lives of every individual, it has undoubtedly made a significant impact on different businesses, especially those associated with travel and tourism.

The airline industry was the first to be hit, as governments of various countries limited international and domestic flights to avoid the spread of the COVID-19. Governments around the world restricted traveling, which stranded travelers from other countries. As each country is easing the lockdown and trying to adapt to the new normal, people are itching to go back and travel. 

Given the traumatic event the Novel Coronavirus has brought upon everyone, future travelers are most likely to be more cautious than they were before. Now that things are starting to ease up, it is crucial to take the necessary safety steps to prevent a Novel Coronavirus wave. 

Numerous travel advisories state that you should only travel when it is necessary and when you are in good physical health. Otherwise, you might as well postpone your trip. If you do have something planned, it is best to prepare yourself for this trip. Amid the COVID-19 crisis, below is an updated travel essential checklist that you might need to visit another country:

1. Hand sanitizer and wipes

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Ever since the Novel Coronavirus hit every country in the world, there has been an increase in the demand for hand sanitizer and wipes. It's one necessary travel essential that helps keep you clean and germ-free. 

Travel restrictions in different places have started to loosen up, so travelers will likely continue to bring travel hand sanitizers and wipes with them wherever they go. Buy these whenever you can, since stocks always run out fast.

2. To-go disinfectant spray

Photo courtesy of Polina Zimmerman via Pexels

Disinfectant sprays are another travel essential, as they allow you to disinfect your bags and any on-hand items quickly. You wouldn't need to pull out your alcohol or wipes. A quick spray lets you get things done faster.

Usually, airports wouldn't allow liquids with alcohol content or chemicals to be brought on the plane, but some airports have allowed large disinfectant sprays during this time. Make sure to check with your local airport and call ahead of time if you can bring rubbing alcohol or disinfectant on the plane to avoid confiscation.

3. To-go disinfectant wipes

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Disinfectant wipes are a must-have travel essential, as these can clean whatever surface you can lay your hands on. When in doubt, give any surface you feel someone has previously touched, a good wipe.

It is better to place your items in a clean area, to prevent germs from contaminating your personal belongings. One tip is to regularly wipe your items with the wipes always to keep them clean, which is why you may need to prepare one whole pack and carry it with you.

4. Travel packs of tissue

Photo courtesy of Julian Paolo Dayag via Pexels

Another alternative to disinfectant wipes is travel packs of tissue. You can spray some of your disinfectants on them to make some do-it-yourself (DIY) wipes. 

Tissues have been necessary, even before the pandemic started. You'll never know when you need to blow your nose, wipe your hands clean or wipe away a stain on your attire.

In short, carrying tissue with you allows you to clean whatever you may encounter while traveling.

5. Disposable gloves

Photo courtesy of Gustavo Fring via Pexels

If you want to be cautious, pack some clear plastic disposable gloves as a must-have travel essential. 

Your items will be handled by different people when traveling. It passes through multiple scans, carts, and hands, so it's best to protect yourself with gloves when receiving your belongings.

It's best to carry a lot of pairs; so that you could use or change them whenever you're handling items.

6. Pack essential medicine supplies

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Got some maintenance medicines? Have hives in the morning? Best to be prepared and pack your medication as a travel essential. These medicines will keep your body in-check when traveling.

Don't forget to buy some vitamins that you can take on daily. It's essential to take vitamins to avoid getting sick while traveling and build your immune system. 

7. Health insurance card and travel documents

Photo courtesy of Torsten Dettlaff via Pexels

The pandemic got a lot of people worried about their health insurance. Make sure you prepare by availing of travel health insurance, especially one that offers COVID-19 coverage if you end up contracting it abroad.

Don't forget to pack necessary travel documents with you, such as a digital copy of your birth certificate, itinerary, your home country or international driver's license, or any other valid IDs you can bring along with you.

8. Face mask

Photo courtesy of Polina Tankilevitch via Pexels

The Novel Coronavirus created a new "fashion statement", i.e., you now have to wear a face mask in public at all times. As such, consider this a necessary travel essential. 

When the pandemic hit the world, the demand for different types of face masks increased. There are disposable surgical ones used during operations, thick N-95 masks, washable face masks, and DIY ones made of colorful and pretty fabrics. 

So in terms of traveling, pack some disposable face masks. If you’re a sustainable and responsible millennial traveler, pack a washable face mask that you can re-use.

9. Liquid hand soap

Photo courtesy of Burst via Pexels

Because of the Novel Coronavirus, travel advisories now remind everyone to wash their hands as often as possible. As such, it's best to pack your own liquid hand soap, as not all public washrooms have this. Make sure to buy a travel-size soap before you go on your trip.

Even though situations are currently easing up, the Novel Coronavirus surely kept us on our toes and while there is still no cure the best way in beating is preventing yourself from getting sick and compromising your immune system. 

Travel advisories discourage unnecessary traveling at this time. In fact, you should only travel when it is absolutely necessary; and when you do, remember to pack these travel essentials, to help keep yourself protected from possible virus infection.