The Best 15 Packing Tips for the First-Time Traveler

5 November, 2019

Traveling is a fun way to unwind and have fun with family, friends, and loved ones. There are also lots of travel benefits, such as improving your health, communication skills, and world view of things. Plus, with easy ways to earn flight miles for your travel destination, traveling has never been easier.

 If you’re set for your dream vacation, you must first learn how to pack smart. Here are 15 packing hacks guaranteed to help you focus on what matters most: your vacation.

1. Buy a travel scale for your bag 

Photo courtesy of Jed Owen via Unsplash

Checking your suitcase’s weight is one of any local or international flight essentials. There are specific weights that are allowed for check-in baggage, so it helps to bring a travel scale with you to avoid extra fees for excess baggage. 

2. Start with a small suitcase or bag

One of the best packing tips from travel pros is to start packing your stuff in a small suitcase. In this way, you can control packing too much stuff and have more room for other stuff like souvenirs. Also, make sure to pick a lightweight suitcase because your bag’s material might affect your luggage’s weight. 

3. Write a packing list

Photo courtesy of Green Chameleon via Unsplash

If you want to know how to pack fast for a trip to any refreshing vacation spot, you must always start with a packing list. In this way, you can easily lay out on your bed everything that you need to bring, and just put them all in your suitcase or bag. 

4. Use packing cubes

Don’t place your clothes directly in your suitcase. Use packing cubes. This is one of the packing tips for suitcases that you should definitely not miss because packing cubes protect your clothes from any spills from shampoo bottles or other liquids in your bag.  It can also help you to easily organize and place your stuff in your hotel. 

5. Pack multipurpose footwear and place in shower caps 

Photo courtesy of Joan MM via Unsplash

Bringing multipurpose footwear depending on your vacation activities is a space-saving hack to try. For example, bring sandals for various beach activities in Boracay. Or if you are going on an international winter trip, bring fashionable but all-around boots. But make sure to place your footwear in shower caps to protect your other stuff from getting dirty in your suitcase. 

6. Roll clothes instead of folding them 

Another space-saving packing hack is to roll your clothes instead of folding them. Rolling your clothes will let you maximize the space in your suitcase, and allow you to fit in solid items like bottles or your power bank. One rolling type of clothes you should learn is the military roll, which is a well-known space-saving tip for any traveler. 

7. Bring shampoo and conditioner bars

Photo courtesy of FitNish Media via Unsplash

Shampoo and conditioner bars are must-haves now, and bringing some for your trip is another ideal packing hack. Shampoo and conditioner bars are often organic so it’s good for the environment, can easily be disposed of, and can also save space in your luggage. Also, shampoo bars are multi-purpose because you can use them on your body.

8. Wear large items

This hack is a genius idea because you get to do two things: bring your favorite but bulky item and save space. Some examples of bulky and large items are running shoes and jeans. 

9. Get travel versions of your stuff 

Photo courtesy of Superkitina via Unsplash

If you can’t let go of your usual stuff at home like your favorite perfume or electric toothbrush, this is one of the packing hacks for you. Bring a travel version of your favorite perfume or toothbrush. Or you can simply buy small bottles or versions of them if they don’t have available travel sizes. 

10. Use plastic wrap for liquids

Some items that you need to bring, like air sickness medicine, may be in liquid form. If this is unavoidable, wrap the bottles or containers of these items in plastic wrap. This hack will help save your stuff from being ruined just in case the medicine bottle breaks. 

Photo courtesy of Kevin Grieve via Unsplash

11. Put valuables in a carry-on

This tip can be especially helpful as a packing hack for road trips. Put your phone, credit card, and other stuff in an accessible carry-on. This will prevent you from opening your suitcase and trying to find stuff in the middle of the trip. Also, it will help you move easily (and fashionably!) around with a good-looking carry on bag. 

12. Place cables in sunglass or eyeglass cases

One of the tips for gadgets that you should remember is placing your cables in sunglass cases. Cables can be fragile and may be hard to detangle if you place them carelessly in your bag. Sunglass cases will keep them in a good and untangled condition. Just remember to label them or separate them from your eyeglasses case, if you are wearing eyeglasses!

13. Mark your suitcase as fragile

Photo courtesy of Sigmund via Unsplash

Perhaps one of the witty packing tips for air travel is to mark your suitcase as fragile. Even if there are no fragile items inside your suitcase, you may choose to do this to protect your suitcase from being tossed around the luggage storage. This hack can hopefully inform airport personnel to handle your bag with extra care.

14. Prepare a health kit 

Having a health kit should certainly be a part of your travels. Prepare medicine that is good for emergency conditions, such as motion sickness. Sure, there is an air sickness bag in planes, but taking motion sickness medicine will help you feel better and enjoy the airplane ride to your destination. Make sure to bring your prescribed medicines, too, if there are any.

Photo courtesy of Kyle Frederick via Unsplash

15. Pack jewelry in pill containers or snack bags

If you intend to go somewhere fancy and need your jewelry, this packing hack is for you. Pack your small pieces of jewelry like earrings and brooches in pill containers. For necklaces and other big pieces of jewelry, place them in individual snack bags so that they won’t get entangled with one another. 

Packing for your dream vacation can be difficult if you don’t know where to start. Hopefully, these packing tips for travel can ease that difficulty as you prepare for your local or international vacation. After all, you deserve to enjoy a much-needed vacation after long weeks of working or studying.