The Consequences of Not Planning Your Summer Vacation

17 April, 2019

beach slipper
Photo courtesy of PublicDomainPictures via Pixabay

It is common for people to say that trips and get-togethers are better off unplanned. This is because of plans that end up not pushing through. But planning in itself isn’t the problem, but poor planning.

With summer finally here, you are bound to have a number of activities that you will spend in the company of your friends and loved ones. Contrary to popular belief, it’s still better to have a summer plan than without one.

Planning your trip can help prevent stress. What’s the point of going on a trip if you can’t relax? The reason why summer is beneficial is that you’re supposed to be enjoying yourself. Without a summer plan, your trip can be really stressful.

To help put you on the same page as to why summer planning is important, the following are what can happen if you don’t plan your summer:

Your desired venues would most likely be fully-booked

travel brochure
Photo courtesy of via Pexels

Having a dream summer venue and finding out it’s fully-booked could be devastating. This is what can happen if you put off your summer planning to the last minute.

This is not to say that booking a venue for one of your summer plans is easy. With all the seminars, team-building, family outings, get-togethers, and all other social activities going on, it could be quite challenging to find a venue.

If you want to go on a trip to one of the best resorts like Alta Vista de Boracay, it’s highly recommended that you book your slot at least a month before your desired dates. That’s why it’s advisable to plan ahead of time and to book your desired venue early on. This way, you’ll be sure that you can be accommodated. If you want an even better reason to stay at Alta Vista de Boracay, you can get a 15% discount if you book directly at their website. You also get a discount for their spa, in house restaurant meals, personalized welcome amenities, and express check-in.

Transportation costs will be higher

airplane passenger seat
Photo courtesy of StelaDi via Pixabay

Some summer getaways require air travel. The general rule is that if you decide to book a flight near or on the day of the flight, it will cost more. One of the benefits of longer summer vacation planning is that you will be able to book your flight early, which will help you pull the costs down. It is best to book your ticket 1 to 3 months before your planned departure to get the best deal on your flight.

If you’ll be traveling by land or sea, you are also likely to get discount rates by booking in advance. Doing so will also ensure that you will have a slot at your planned dates.

You are pressured to have your time-off approved

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Photo courtesy of Pixabay via Pexels

Sometimes, a weekend is not enough for your trip. That’s why you may need to file for vacation leave for your travels. Doing so will be a lot easier if you inform your manager or boss ahead of time. Filing for a vacation leave a week before the trip has a chance of being rejected which could ruin your plans. Planning your summer vacation and letting your manager know in advance can prevent mismanagement of work that you left behind.

Your itinerary will be a mess

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Photo courtesy of Langll via Pixabay

If you have planned your summer trip, you will have enough time to research on the best activities and sites to visit at your destination. But if you don’t have a summer plan, you could end up losing time figuring out what you want to do instead of maximizing your time.

You may not have enough money for the trip

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Photo courtesy of via Pexels

Budgeting your trip is a vital part of your summer planning because this has a huge impact on the turnaround of your summer vacation. If you were not able to list down the activities you will take part in, or how much this or that costs, you might get surprised when you find out that you’re financially unprepared for your trip.

You might miss out on what would have been the highlight of your trip, or you may end up going over your expected spending. One of the pros of summer vacation planning is that you will have enough time to save for the trip, so you will have just about enough resources to be able to enjoy the trip to its fullest.

You won’t be able to grab great deals

airport advertisement
Photo courtesy of Artem Bali via Pexels

Many travel deals and packages can make your summer vacation a lot cheaper and easier to pull off. If you’re actively planning your summer trip, then you may come across a great deal for it. But if you weren’t, you might have to settle for the not-so-great deals or you’d have to plan the particulars of the trip yourself.

You will end up not being able to pack properly

travel luggagePhoto courtesy of Ivabalk via Pixabay

With a proper summer plan, you will be able to prepare what you need to bring such as the type of clothing required, or other items that wouldn’t normally be part of your summer travel essentials like snorkeling gear, or trekking-friendly footwear. If you arrive at your destination unprepared, you might be forced to buy some of your essentials there. Since the majority of these destinations are tourist hotspots, expect the prices to be more expensive.

Worst case: your summer trip will be canceled

Yes, without properly planning your summer trip, you might end up not going anywhere. With all the challenges stated above, you and your friends may end up not pursuing your dream summer getaway.

It’s highly recommended that you come up with a summer plan. Just remember these tips, and you’ll avoid all the pitfalls of an unplanned summer vacation. It’s not true that planning trips are a waste of time; as long as you plan it effectively, you’ll have a great trip with all your friends and family.