Group Travel Advantages: Boracay Vacation for Less

10 November, 2017

Have you been dreaming of the turquoise waters and white sands of Boracay? Do not let the usual travel constraints stop you from taking a Boracay vacation. Arrange your trip with your friends to get past the challenges like safety concerns and budget limitations. Explore the many ways you can benefit from a group travel.

You have a team to help you take care of travel arrangements

When you travel solo, you are left to take care of everything from arranging your accommodations and getting there to finding the best places to eat and contacting reliable island hopping guides in Boracay. Traveling with a group lets you operate with a team, easing a great deal of the workload off your shoulders. You also get to do so much more while traveling. If you have someone in the group who can cook and who does not shy away from outdoorsy activities, you can arrange to buy food from the market and cook them on the boat or on one of the islands you’re headed to. There will also be more heads chipping in ideas, so you never run out of inventive and fun things to do.

Photo courtesy of StockSnap via Pixabay

Get the chance to form deeper bonds

When you travel and have an adventure with a group of friends, deeper bonds are formed. Not everyone is going to be your best friend. You may even find some of your companions to be annoying at the very least and intolerable at worst. But most of the friends you’re with will instantly become your adventure buddies, wine drinking buddies, travel buddies, and the like. The experiences you share will lead to relationships that can last a lifetime.

Engage in activities you could not do on your own

Traveling with your friends lets you do things you could not do on your own. If, say, you can’t swim and would rather not go anywhere that would compromise your safety, this may change if you go on the adventure with trusted friends. If you know your friends will always have your back, you will be brave enough to jump into the waters as long as you have your life jacket. You will also have more courage to explore hidden gems when you have your friends to accompany you. There are simply fewer limits when you have your pals to join in the fun.

Photo courtesy of Stevepb via Pixabay

Save money

Things are cheaper by the dozen. You will benefit from the practicality of group rates. Whether it’s food, adventures, lodging or airfare, groups will always get better rates than those going solo. If you want to experience everything Boracay has to offer without breaking the bank, take your friends with you. Take as many as you can to make your Boracay budget work. The sought after loft unit at Alta Vista de Boracay will even be more affordable if you divide the daily rates among yourself and your friends. Designed to accommodate a family, it is roomy enough for everyone.

Benefit from safety in number

You are also safer by the dozen. Safety is an important consideration, no matter where you’re going. Although you’d rather think that nothing is bound to go wrong, especially as you are headed to a popular destination, there is simply no predicting or controlling what could happen out of the blue. The most you could do is prepare for contingencies. One of the ways you can make your trip safer is by taking other people with you. You’re simply an easier target when you are alone. Traveling with a group is tantamount to having a “pack,” just as wolves travel together to protect one another. Having a trusted guide with you will amp up your safety level even more, as he could easily fill the role of the alpha wolf in the pack.

Photo courtesy of Anemone123 via Pixabay

Have some friends to help you deal with mishaps

It’s one reality of traveling. Things can and will go wrong. And it will always help if you have friends who can be with you to deal with the mishaps. Should your flight be delayed, you will have friends to goof around with or at least to keep you company. If you have to travel in the wee hours, the presence of your friends will make you feel safer. If you get lost, you won’t get too scared as you try to find the right way with your friends. It’s always great to have the assurance that someone’s got your back.

Give your loved ones more reassurance

Traveling solo is not only nerve wracking for you, but for your loved ones back home as well. They won’t be able to keep themselves from worrying for your safety. Knowing you are traveling with friends, especially with those they are well-acquainted with, will give them the reassurance they need. We owe it to the people who care about us to provide them with peace of mind.

Photo courtesy of Alexsander-777 via Pixabay

Have someone to take your photos

Selfies simply do not suffice when it comes to capturing travel moments. Having someone to take your photos can make a world of difference. Photos do a great job of telling stories and capturing moments. It is always great to be able to go back to those glorious days when you were carefree and traveling to your heart’s content. And of course, it never hurts to have fresh materials for your Instagram and Facebook.

Travel with people you share common interests with

Traveling with friends means being with people you have things in common with, and that always makes for a more fun trip. Going to Boracay with friends who love adventures just as much as you do will allow you to jump at every chance to get your dose of adrenaline rush. If you are a photography enthusiast, you are likely to be surrounded by people who share the same passion and will have friends who can indulge your meticulous ways. They can join you even as you take hours chasing after that perfect shot.

Get the chance to try many different dishes

One of the many joys of traveling is being able to try dishes you do not normally have access to. Unfortunately, budget constraints often keep travelers from making the most out of the gastronomic wonders available in a destination. This is yet another thing you can remedy by traveling with a group. Each can order a different dish, then you can share everything among yourselves. Voila! You get to try many different dishes in one seating.

No matter how limited your trip to Boracay budget is, you can still make your dream vacation happen by grabbing these group travel advantages.