7 Tourist Troubles that Ruin Your Summer Fun and How to Avoid Them

11 May, 2017

Similar with the yuletide season, you can feel the fun in the air this summer. People are in a festive mood as if celebrating the glory of the sun. Students are on rest-mode and workers are ecstatic to use their accumulated leave credits. With the world in high spirits, what can go wrong? Well, a lot! There are risks of heat stroke and other heat-related illnesses, budget overdraft, and accidents while on out-of-town vacations. Boracay backpackers should be prepared for uncertainties, especially if it’s your first time. Before visiting a tourist spot in Boracay do some research especially on costing and safety measures. Whether you’re a Filipino or foreign tourist, you should take note of these 7 problems that can ruin your vacation and how to avoid them.


Tourist Troubles Overspending

Photo courtesy of Pixabay via Pexels

When planning a Boracay itinerary, jot down an approximation of the expenses in every activity and destination. You can get information on the entrance fees and food prices in tourist spots in Boracay via discussion boards in travel websites. Take note that prices may change, so bump your costing a bit to avoid understating your budget. Tipping is not mandatory in local establishments, but a 10 to 20 percent tip is acceptable. You can also ask family and friends who have gone to the places you plan to visit. The tourism office can also offer helpful information.

Theft or misplacing valuables

Tourist Troubles Theft or Misplacing Valuables

Photo courtesy of Unsplash via Pexels

A single incident can easily turn your much-anticipated vacation into a traumatic experience. Sometimes, it can be caused by criminals preying on tourists, but most of the time, it’s because of negligence. Don’t bring all your money outdoors. If you’re visiting secluded areas, withdraw just the right amount of cash from an ATM. Avoid using ATMs in dim streets. You can sew hidden pockets into your clothes for your money, credit cards, and IDs. When eating out, place your bag on your lap or anywhere where it remains within your sight. Thieves lurk in crowded places like restaurants and prey on distracted patrons. Make sure your valuables are kept well in your hotel room.

“Don’t rain on my parade”

Tourist Troubles Dont Rain

Photo courtesy of DMCI Homes

The summer months of March to May comprise of the busy peak season in Philippine tourist spots. However, the changing climate has been bringing typhoons even during typically dry months. You can never expect when a rain shower will disrupt your outdoor activities. The solution is choosing accommodations where Boracay backpackers like yourself can still relax and have fun. Alta Vista de Boracay has premier lifestyle amenities you can enjoy under any weather condition. There’s an infinity pool, function hall, clubhouse, and karaoke room. Alta Vista de Boracay also has a children’s play area and kiddie room. It is a Boracay tourist spot in itself.

Falling ill while on vacation

Tourist Troubles Falling Ill

Photo courtesy of Instagram.com via Pinterest

Every backpacker in Boracay should be equipped with a first-aid kit. The long journey can be dizzying and nauseating. Pack over-the-counter meds for headaches. You should have medicines for common colds, flu, diarrhea, and allergies. Choose clean diners or restaurants. Boracay has a lot of outdoor grill restos. Choose the raw seafood, pork cuts or chicken parts and observe while it’s being prepared, if you can. It’s important to know how your food is prepared, especially fruit juices. Confirm that you’re served distilled water. Before embarking on trips to secluded areas such as Boracay’s neighboring islands, it’s advisable to bring your own water and food. Always have crackers and sweetened candies in your bag.

Getting ripped by opportunists

Tourists Troubles Ripped by Opportunities

Photo courtesy of Unsplash via Pexels

Opportunists and scalpers are everywhere whether you’re in London or an off-the-grid beach destination. These people prey on those who look clueless and weak. They usually overcharge in transport fares and accommodations. Beware of agents greeting arriving tourists and offering accommodations. Despite getting a 20 percent commission from hotels and inns, they may still ask you for additional money.

Do your research on costs and learn a little bit of the local language. Traveling with your Filipino friends is the smartest way to go. You even get discounts for exerting effort to converse with people in their local tongue. Don’t be afraid to haggle. “You should never agree to the price that is first quoted or that is written on the informational literature provided; solicitors can almost always be talked down and will often set the price far too high,” Wikitravel advises.

Getting into trouble with the locals

Tourist Troubles with the Locals

Photo courtesy of g via Pexels

Filipinos as naturally friendly people. Hospitality is in their genes, so to speak. Many appreciate foreigners visiting their hometown, especially those who show interest in learning about their customs and traditions. However, don’t get into their bad side under any circumstance. Be sensitive in giving remarks. If you can avoid political and religious debates, do so. Boracay is known for its vibrant nightlife, but this doesn’t give anyone the license to act rowdy and obnoxious. Respect women and elders. Regulate your fun.

Facing punishments for non-observance of laws

Tourist Troubles Facing Punishments

Photo courtesy of serein-a.tumblr.com via Pinterest

Boracay is more than a beach destination. It is endowed with rich flora and fauna. Failing to observe environmental laws will not only get you into trouble with locals but also with the authorities. There are areas where setting bonfires and smoking are strictly prohibited. Feeding animals and getting into close contact with sea creatures are unlawful. Take your trash with you. Know about rules and regulations in your destinations to avoid fines and/or jail time.

The key to a hassle-free summer vacation is preparation. Do a bit of research about your destination by checking out travel websites and asking previous visitors. You can always seek guidance from local authorities and tourism offices. Before booking your flight, contact your health insurance providers about accredited clinics and hospitals in your destination. You’ll never know when a medical emergency will happen. Finally, be polite, observe local laws, and remember your place as a visitor.